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Pray for Sudan amid the nation’s food scarcity crisis

September 30, 2024 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in Sudan

Prayer for Sudan #1: God, bring peace and stability to the land.

Lord, our hearts are deeply troubled by the reports of widespread violence, displacement, and hunger in Sudan. We pray for the civil war to cease, in Jesus’ name. We pray for economic stability to return. We pray that crops would grow in abundance, even during the dry season. Please protect Your people and the church from harm as this multi-faceted crisis rages on. We pray for miracles of provision for our persecuted family. Cause the global community to remember the plight and suffering of the Sudanese people, so they can help to find solutions for the nation’s many troubles. Amen.

“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten … You will have plenty to eat, until you are full, and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you; never again will my people be shamed.” – Joel 2:25-26

What to Know About Sudan
According to USCIRF, religious communities have been hit hard during the Sudan crisis. Militants have damaged more than 150 churches since April 2023, targeting them for military purposes and theft of church resources. Church leaders and congregants have been injured and killed during the mayhem, and others remain at risk of future harm.

To exemplify the pressures that Sudanese church members find themselves under, consider the personal testimony of Fatima, a new Christian convert in Sudan who recently left Islam. While living in a refugee camp, she heard the gospel and came to faith. Against the wishes of her Muslim husband, Fatima and her children began attending church. He threatened to kill her if she did not denounce her Christian faith and return to Islam. When Fatima refused, her husband assaulted her. “Next time, I will kill you if you do not stop attending this church,” he threatened. But Fatima was not intimidated, showcasing the resilience and hope of many persecuted believers in her country. Read her full story on the GCR Blog.

Prayer for Sudan #2: Lord, we Praise You for helping the most vulnerable.

Heavenly Father, we give You all the glory for providing sustenance for innocent young believers in Sudan, as they endure such trying times. We are reminded of Your words in Matthew 19:14, which says, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” We pray that these little ones will remember Your faithfulness in time as they grow older.

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” – Galatians 6:10

What to Know About Sudan
Thanks to the prayers and support of GCR’s donors, emergency food aid is swiftly reaching persecuted Christians and their children in Sudan. Watch the video above to see these gifts in action, as local youth receive critically-needed food and water in one the nation’s refugee camps. A local pastor on the ground shared this encouraging report with our team on the ground: “The support you sent has saved the lives of over 400 children in South Darfur.” Praise God for this incredible work amid the chaos!

GCR rushed emergency food relief to 400 hungry Christian children in Sudan.

Prayer for Sudan #3: God, please strengthen Sudanese Christians experiencing persecution and famine.

Jesus, You did not spare Yourself from pain and hurt. Rather, You selflessly gave Your life to pay the debt of our sins. Being intimately acquainted with suffering, we know that You remember those in the Body of Christ who suffer for their faith. We humbly ask You to sustain our Sudanese brothers & sisters as they experience threats, violence, and persecution for Your name’s sake.

“… Persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them. In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” – 2 Timothy 3:11-12

What to Know About Sudan
As a minority religious group, persecuted Sudanese Christians have long experienced discrimination, violence and other forms of suffering because of their faith. It is estimated that 91% of the population identifies as Muslim, while just 5% identifies as Christian. This means that, among the total population of roughly 49 million people, an overwhelming majority—44 million—follows Islam, while only 2.5 million are Christ followers—a disparity that leaves Christians highly vulnerable.

To demonstrate the risk that Sudanese believers and new converts face, we recently featured the personal story of our persecuted brother in Christ, Abbas, on the GCR Prayer App. After he left Islam and converted to Christianity near Darfur, Sudan, his Muslim mother became concerned. “Why do you associate with Christians? Have you left Islam?” she asked. When she found out the truth, Abbas’ mother disowned him and chased him away from her house. His extended family then threatened, “We will kill you by cutting your head off if you don’t return back to Islam.”

Please hold Abbas in your prayers and visit our collection of Sudan persecution stories to discover other believers in need that you can personally pray for.

About The Author

Abigail Hart serves on the communications team at Global Christian Relief. She shares stories of Christian persecution in Sudan and elsewhere around the globe. Abigail invites you to read the latest persecution stories now by visiting the GCR blog.

Global Christian Relief and our partners on the ground are rushing famine relief kits to hundreds of our hard-hit Christian brothers and sisters. But we need your help. Your support today can provide essential food and water, saving lives in the process. Through the comfort of a hot meal, you can send our persecuted family in Sudan a powerful message: that they haven’t been forgotten during one of the most frightening moments of their lives. 

Rush Famine Relief