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Help set them free.

Stand with Christians trapped in modern-day slavery. Provide food, medicine, education, debt relief, Bibles and more.

Be the answer to their prayers.

Show impoverished Pakistani Christians you care

Entire families—grandparents, parents and young children—are making thousands of bricks a day just to put food on their table.

Will you meet their need?

What a gift means toin Pakistan.

• Freedom from insurmountable debt

• Opportunities for meaningful work and fair wages

• Spiritual encouragement through the Word

• Sustenance through food and medicine

Without you, their debt relief is nearly impossible

Predatory loans and soaring interest rates keep our hurting brothers & sisters trapped in Pakistan’s brick kilns for life. But your gift could change everything.

Christians struggle to make ends meet in Pakistan's brick kilns

Your compassionate contribution could provide food relief, medicine and more. Show them you stand with them in their suffering.

3 million Pakistani children are trapped in child labor

Your generosity could provide education and a pathway to a better life outside the kilns.

Help Your Persecuted Family in Pakistan and Around the World Today

Every Bible can strengthen a suffering Christian with the comforting word of God.

Please give a generous gift and let our persecuted family in Pakistan and worldwide know the Body of Christ has not forgotten them.

Your $25 gift

could comfort a displaced believer with blankets, warm clothing and hygiene kits.

Your $60 gift

could equip 12 persecuted Christians with their very own Bible.

Your $100 gift

could help a brick kiln worker access mobile medical care and treatment.

Your $270 gift

could help provide debt relief, job training, or financial support for 3 believers.


Your gift will not only help sustain persecuted Christians physically—it will nurture their faith in the darkest of times.

Thank you in advance for your life-changing gift. Our brothers and sisters in Pakistan's brick kilns will never forget your kindness.