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2022 Annual Report

Still together as one

A year in review

... you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 1:6-7 (ESV)

... you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 1:6-7 (ESV)

Reflecting on 2022:

A Year of Unyielding Faith Amidst Global Challenges

In 2022, we witnessed escalating challenges for our global Christian family, especially in countries like Burkina Faso, Nigeria, India, North Korea and Afghanistan.

As violence and displacement surged, our brothers and sisters faced intensified threats to religious freedom. And your prayer and support became their lifeline. Your unwavering generosity empowered us to bring hope, refuge, and relief to those in dire need—reminding our persecuted family they’re never alone.

This report reflects our collective ministry and the profound impact of your contributions.

With heartfelt gratitude,

In 2022, with your help, persecuted Christians like the once timid Sarah has become a force for the gospel

Sarah, once a devout Muslim from East Africa, heard the gospel when she sought healing for persistent headaches. Despite her initial skepticism, her trust in Christ resulted in healing, leading to her family's ostracization. Supported by our partners, Sarah's renewed faith spurred her to evangelize, leading to numerous conversions in her community. She now leads a growing cell-church, expressing gratitude for guidance and urging continued prayers for their mission.

"My message to those kind-hearted individuals assisting us, even without personally knowing us, is to stay steadfast and not lose hope. My children, my family, and I are profoundly grateful for everything you've done for us. We may never find a way to fully repay your kindness; only God can truly reward you," she expressed.

2022 by the numbers


Bibles & Discipleship materials


Emergency Relief Kits


Persecution readiness training


Trauma and family counseling


Medical and health care


Micro-loans, job training, literacy training

Numbers aren’t the only story. It’s also about faith and hope

In 2022, God worked mightily through our incredible supporters, allowing us to significantly expand our reach and impact for persecuted believers. These are real Christians, just like you and me, standing firm in their faith across four key regions: Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, Africa, and Latin America, encompassing a staggering 67 countries.

Through your support, we've been able to address the pressing needs of these brave believers, reflecting God's love and provision. It's awe-inspiring to witness the Lord use the generosity of our community to strengthen and uphold our persecuted family in Christ, reminding us all of the boundless power of unity and faith.

Here’s where you helped believers in 2022

Sub-Saharan Africa

Middle East
North Africa


Latin America

"If someone like me becomes a Christian, I am [seen as] defiled, and my life is considered filthy by them.”

—Ali, a persecuted believer from Iran

“I ask you to remember us in prayer. That is the most important thing. We pray that God strengthens us. I pray that God will give us peace in our region that we can move to teach the gospel to others.”

Sara, a Muslim Background Believer from East Africa

“Thank you so much to all who supported this program. Thank you so much for thinking of us, keeping us in mind, and saving us from darkness. May God bless you all.”

Rangroon, a young believer who benefited from our literacy training in Laos

“The only thing that matters is that we are part of the same Body. When we were in solitary [confinement], the only thing that strengthened us was prayer; nothing else would work. Only God can go to those dark places and dungeons and be strength for His children.”

ALI, a persecuted believer from Iran

Funds raised in 2022 were raised as Open Doors USA. In total, Global Christian Relief granted $9.7M to Open Doors International during this year. Please note that on October 3, 2022, Global Christian Relief disaffiliated from Open Doors International and currently works through its own networks


Income & Revenue

Total support and revenue




Other revenue, investment income and classifications


Investment Income


Total program services


Public Awareness and Motivation




Socio-economic development


Bible and literature distribution


Research and advocacy


Organization Expenses


$ 4,448,138


$ 5,930,603

Total Expenses


net assets as of 12/31/2022


Global Christian Relief
Board of Directors

Daisy Szabo


Roger Spoelman

Vice Chair

David Curry

President & CEO (Ex Officio)

Bruce Dingman


Francesca Fajinmi


Tim Kachuriak


Michelle Norman


Justin Tabb
