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Take action to advocate for the persecuted of Nigeria

December 14, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in Nigeria

Dr. David Curry, the President & CEO of Global Christian Relief, is asking Americans to support persecuted Christians in Nigeria by calling Congress and urging their representative to cosponsor House Resolution 82, introduced by representatives Chris Smith and Henry Cuellar.

This is your chance to advocate on behalf of Nigerian Christians. Please contact your congressional representative and demand Nigeria be named a Country of Particular Concern (CPC). Click the link and simply type in your zip code to get started. Then, call and/or email your representative. Include a simple message, such as: “Hi, I support House Resolution 82 in an effort to bring attention to the plight of persecuted Nigerian Christians. I strongly encourage you to cosponsor this resolution. Thank you.”

CPCs are designated by the U.S. Secretary of State and the title is only given to countries with severe restrictions of religious freedom that are that are systematic, ongoing and egregious.

Frequently included on the CPC list are nations like Afghanistan, China and North Korea—among others. The decision of whether to name Nigeria as a CPC will be made any day now. Don’t wait. Take action today; contact your congressman and stand with the persecuted of Nigeria. Please join us in a prayer:

Heavenly Father, we lift up the persecuted of Nigeria. Lord, we ask You to protect our hurting family from these violent attacks. God, we pray that our elected and appointed leaders would be moved to designate Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern. We pray this action would motivate the government of Nigeria to prioritize the protection of our vulnerable brothers & sisters. As the Body of Christ intercedes on this matter, we pray our persecuted family in Nigeria would know they are not forgotten. Amen. 

About the author
Tim Dustin is a journalist for Global Christian Relief and shares the stories of the persecuted with the worldwide church. Get the latest stories and prayer requests at

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