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After terror attack, God’s Word sustains a persecuted Nigerian Christian

April 1, 2024 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in Nigeria

Please say a prayer for persecuted Nigerian Christians like Suzanne now. 

Lord Jesus, we praise You for saving Suzanne’s life after a vile Islamic terror attack on her family. Though she was left for dead, You weren’t finished working through her. Though she has lost her eyesight, You have given her spiritual eyes to see Your eternal truths. We pray blessings over her physical health moving forward. And we pray that You continue to draw her closer to You in her deepening faith walk. 

We are incredibly moved by Suzanne’s willingness to forgive her persecutors in the Boko Haram organization. The scripture in Matthew 18:21-22 comes to mind: “Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, ‘Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.’”

Help us to learn from Suzanne’s humble example. Encourage the persecuted church and the worldwide Body of Christ to cling to the wisdom found in God’s Word, which teaches us to forgive that we, too, might be forgiven. God, we also lift up those who are far from You across Nigeria. Draw the Muslim extremists to You through the love You’ve instilled within kindhearted individuals like Suzanne. Amen. 

*Photo Description: Suzanne shares her story with members of the GCR team in Nigeria.

About the author
Abigail Hart is a staff contributor for Global Christian Relief where she shares stories of persecuted Christians around the world. Read the latest Christian persecution stories on our website and learn more at

Persecuted Nigerian Christians like Suzanne face increasing levels of persecution due to violent terrorist organizations like Boko Haram. When you choose to make a monthly, recurring gift to Global Christian Relief, your support can provide suffering believers with critical faith-based resources including Bibles, trauma counseling and more.

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