Other details remain unknown. No one has claimed responsibility yet for the attack, but it is assumed to be the work of one of the several Islamic extremist groups active in the country—which include ISIS and Al Qaeda.
Attackers have launched another brutal onslaught on Christians in Burkina Faso.
On December 1, armed men stormed a Protestant church in the town of Hantoukoura, near Burkina Faso’s border with Niger. They killed the pastor, Tchintchiéba Ouoba and 13 other worshipers, including five children under 18—one victim was only 12 years old. The attackers fled on motorcycles or scooters.
This latest attack brings the total number of Christians killed this year to at least 41 in Burkina Faso, over the course of nine reported jihadist attacks in 2019. An unknown number of pastors and their families have been abducted.
The insecurity in Burkina Faso has been building since 2014. Originally, the conflicts were focused mainly in the north, but this year has been spreading to the east during 2019, as reported by ACAPS, an independent humanitarian information provider. The violence has led to a significant humanitarian crisis. According to the United Nations, the violence has resulted in nearly 500,000 people becoming displaced.
As part of an overall strategy of help for persecuted believers in Burkina Faso, Global Christian Relief has focused recently on the socio-economic elements of our integrated help to individuals and communities across West Africa. During late October, for example, Global Christian Relief was able to deliver relief aid to 560 of the most vulnerable Christian families forced to flee northern Burkina Faso to safer areas of the country.
Global Christian Relief seeks helps Christians deal with the realities they face under radical Islamic ideologies in West Africa. We have been running integrated programs in West African countries to help Christians who are on the receiving end of radical Islamic ideology as they strive to remain firm in the faith. This includes persecution preparedness training, discipleship training, economic empowerment, ministry specifically to Muslim converts, leadership training and trauma care.
In the meantime, we can pray for our sisters and brothers as they mourn this latest attack, and try to recover. Will you join us?
-Please pray for the Lord’s comfort and grace to be at work in the lives of all who have lost loved ones in the latest attack and that He would be close to the brokenhearted.
-Pray that Christians would have the grace to remain firm in the faith as they face increased hostility and not give in to the temptation of tribalism and anger towards Muslims but continue to trust the Lord to fight their cause.
-Many people, including Christians, have been severely traumatized by the deterioration in security and the displacement they suffered. Please pray the Lord will be at work in their lives to bring healing and comfort and to provide in their every need.
-The extremist ideologies sweeping across the Sahel have brought destruction to so many lives. Please pray that the Lord would use these circumstances to display His glory. Pray that the Lord will draw in the many who are lost to Himself.
-Pray for the role the Church plays in ministering to people. Thank the Lord for their determination to continue sharing Christ with the lost. Pray for wisdom and courage.
-Please pray that the government would receive wisdom and display accountability as they seek to create order in the affected areas.
-Pray for all international forces helping in the fight against extremists in the larger region. Pray they would be able to help bring stability and prevent the spread of violence to Burkina Faso’s neighbors.