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In Iran, two women pay the price for their faith

May 17, 2022 by Abigail Hart in Persecution updates

Their crime? As officially stated: “Acting against national security.” In reality, the two women were guilty of being Christians in Iran 

Fariba was arrested alongside her then-fiancé and four other Christian converts in July of 2021. While awaiting sentencing, Fariba and her fiancé married, but will now have their marriage tested as Fariba spends her next two years removed from society. She was arrested for establishing and leading an evangelical church, which the government viewed as an act against national security. Her husband and others with them received various sentences and fines. 

Sakine was in a different group of four converts arrested in February 2020—they belonged to a house church in Rasht, a city near the Caspian Sea.

Each woman received their sentence of two years for “spreading Zionist Christianity,” which—again—the government viewed as an act against national security. 

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Let’s remember our sisters Fariba and Sakine as they face their next two years in prison. Let’s call out to God that this injustice doesn’t go unnoticed, and that leaders will step in and vouch on behalf of these two brave women. Let’s pray their families behind are overcome with Christ’s peace, that they’ll experience this trial with grace and strength. And let’s pray for Fariba and Sakine, that they will be uplifted—not beaten down, that they’ll be overcome with joy and that God will use them to spread His Word inside those prison walls.  

Father God, please hear our prayers for our dear sisters. Amen.