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Jansher worries for his children in Afghanistan

December 5, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Middle East

Jansher is a loving father to three boys. And although Jansher is blessed to currently have a job as a clerk, he worries about his country, especially the future of his children: “Our future hope is for our children. We need them to survive and to be educated to support their families and strengthen our communities.”

The economy in Afghanistan is in ruins. There are hundreds of thousands without work. Inflation is spiking. And although Jansher is grateful for the job he has, his heart is pained when he sees his children. There is no school for them to go to. And Jansher knows his children are the future—they need education and provision to be able to make Afghanistan the country he dreams it can be. Jansher says, “We hope our children can continue in their education and grow up to impact the progress of our country.”

But to make matters worse across the nation, there is rampant food scarcity, an issue that will increase tenfold as Pakistan deports 1.5 million Afghan refugees back to their home country. The situation is a mess.

More than school, more than prosperity, Jansher simply says for his children, “Our greatest need for a hopeful future is that our children can survive.” He just wants his children to make it through the daily battles they face.

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Will you join us in praying for Jansher, a father who deeply cares about his children, as well as for the entire country of Afghanistan?

Lord, we hear and see Jansher. He loves his children. He sees them missing school and worries about their future and the future of his country. We pray the same for them as we do for the entire country of Afghanistan—bring them hope and a future. May You have an impact in a land that longs for You. Provide for the families in need, feed the children and let this next generation find purpose amid so much war and hatred. Amen.

*A representative name has been used to preserve security

About the author
Tim Dustin is the associate managing editor at Global Christian Relief and diligently works to share the stories of the persecuted with the worldwide church. Get the latest stories and prayer requests at

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