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Persecuted believer in Egypt freed from captors

August 25, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in Egypt

“I awoke in a very smelly place. My eyes were blindfolded and my hands were tied,” Najma detailed. “They [the kidnappers] told me the names of my children and their ages, the name of my husband and that I’m a minister at my church—everything. They then started pressuring me to convert.”

But Najma stayed true to our Lord and Savior. “I told them, ‘I can’t renounce my faith, even if you kill me. Death is better for me. Dying for Christ is gain for me.'”

When she didn’t give in, her Muslim captors tortured, humiliated and insulted her. They also denied her food and water.

Despite the intense religious persecution, Najma knew the Lord was on her side. “The whole time I was praying … I felt reassured, encouraged and felt that God was with me,” she told us. “I was very confident that God would do a miracle …”

When her husband discovered she was missing, he filed a police report. Church leaders and members of the Parliament got involved. Authorities ultimately tracked her down through surveillance camera footage and rescued her.

Today, Najma has safely returned home to her family. “What happened to me has increased my faith … Our God is a God of miracles. He loves us so much,” declared Najma.

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This amazing story is a reminder that God hears and answers our prayers. Consider Psalm 28:6-7, which says, “Blessed be the Lord, because He has heard the voice of my supplications! The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him.”

Join us in a shout of praise and a prayer of thanksgiving!

Father in Heaven, we thank You for a positive ending to this story! We give You all the glory for this amazing miracle. Thank You for sustaining Najma’s faith during this trying ordeal. Please continue to comfort and protect Najma, and heal any trauma she has experienced.

You are a God of the impossible and we ask that You would perform a miracle for other members of the persecuted church who desperately need Your intervention. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

About the author
Tim Dustin is a staff writer at Global Christian Relief and strives each day to share the story of the persecuted church with believers everywhere. Get an overview of Christian persecution on our website and read the latest stories at

*Representative name and photo used to preserve security

Today, over 360 million Christians face intense persecution. We strive daily to meet the needs of each and every one of them. Will you partner with us on our mission and help us be the hands and feet of Jesus to our brothers and sisters around the world? Consider a gift today.

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