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Persecuted believers in Iraq arrested over protest

August 15, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in Iraq

Zya, the village mayor, participated in the protest and James documented the unjust situation by filming it. In response, the Kurdistan Regional Government police used physical violence against the protestors, assaulting them as the arrests were made.

Imagine owning land for decades: property that has been passed down from generation to generation. Then suddenly, the land you rely upon for your livelihood is stripped away in an instant because you’re an unprotected minority. This is the reality for persecuted believers in Iraq.

In this nation, over 40 million Muslims don’t know Christ. And less than 0.4% of the population is Christian—meaning there are just 150,000 believers remaining among millions of followers of Islam. This imbalance creates an environment in which Christian persecution—such as land theft—can take place with few repercussions for the perpetrators.

But the Body of Christ has a powerful course of action—prayer. In the Bible, James 5:16b reminds us that “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Indeed, there is supernatural power in our collective prayers through the blood and authority of Jesus Christ.  


With faith, we can accomplish much. Matthew 17:20 says, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” 


Let’s use our faith and authority to pray on behalf of Zya, James and our persecuted family in Iraq.  

Holy Father in Heaven, we exalt Your name. We ask that You dwell among Zya, James and all the persecuted church in Iraq. Put an end to the wicked deed of land theft and confiscation. Restore what was taken from Your family in Iraq. Lead the thieves to repentance and salvation. May all of Iraq be saved! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

About The Author
Amanda is a contributor at Global Christian Relief. She raises awareness for the plight of the persecuted church around the world. She invites you to learn more about Christian persecution on our website at

*Image Caption: A representative photo of a persecuted believer in Iraq.

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