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Persecuted Christ follower from Burkina Faso flees Boko Haram

March 7, 2024 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in Burkina Faso

During service, the pastor preached about sin and how everyone is a sinner—that Jesus is the only One who can save from sin. Pastor Michel says, “The Holy Spirit convicted me, and I decided to give my life to Jesus.” Days after Pastor Michel accepted Christ into his heart, his father was completely healed.

Soon after he became a Christian, Pastor Michel felt a calling to get into ministry. He became a certified pastor and led a church. Then, in May of last year, terrorists attacked.

“Terrorists from Boko Haram attacked a pastor and colleague in a nearby village. After his death, this group of terrorists went from village to village, searching for other pastors to kill.”

Knowing his life was in danger, Pastor Michel, along with pastors from neighboring villages, went to a city for refuge. They stayed there a month.

In June, Pastor Michel returned to his village. He wanted to invite his entire congregation to the city, for their own safety. Then there was shooting everywhere.

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“I told my family to run for their lives,” Pastor Michel recalls. While his family went into the bush, he was chased by terrorists who were shooting at him. He heard the whiz of the bullets as they flew by. “I ran into a young man I knew, who was fleeing on his motorcycle. He picked me up and we fled. By the grace of God, even though the terrorists were shooting at me, I was able to safely flee with my life.”

After the attack, Pastor Michel was reunited with his family and congregation in the city. But all they had with them were what they could carry. But thanks to your gifts to GCR, we’ve been able to help those displaced in Burkina Faso. “Praise God. GCR and your partners gave us crucial emergency aid at a crucial time. Thank you.”

Pastor Michel and the others are currently living displaced, not knowing when they can return to their village. But they’re taking comfort in Matthew 6:26 which says, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Join us now in praying for Pastor Michel, his family and his congregation.

Lord, thank You for protecting Pastor Michel and those closest to him. As they live displaced, we ask that You continue to meet their needs and work miracles among them. Continue to show them how valuable they are to You. And clear a way for them to return home. Amen.

About the author
Tim Dustin is a journalist for Global Christian Relief. He makes it his mission to share stories of the persecuted with believers around the world. Read the latest Christian persecution stories on our website and learn more at

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