Isaac leads a covert network that takes Bibles across dangerous borders to underground churches. While waiting to smuggle Bibles, Isaac keeps them hidden under tarps on his roof. The cost of having his Bibles found out could be deadly. In fact, his community is so hostile to Christians, he and his family must hide their faith for their own safety.
But Isaac braves the dangers because of his belief in Christ. He says, “Jesus means salvation and freedom. He sacrificed His life for humanity. So our aim is to keep on going, evangelizing others and to spread God’s Word.”
However, Isaac’s faith is often tested. It weighs heavy on him that he cannot locally be as vocal about his faith as he would like; if he was, he would put his family in immediate danger. So to combat the negative atmosphere, he reads his Bible. He’s always preparing his heart spiritually for what could happen. He says, “I’ve been in jail and arrested three times,” then adds, “As a servant of God, for His glory, I just want to share God’s Word with everyone, just like the faith I believe in.”
Knowing the potential cost, knowing the risk, Isaac continues to deliver Bibles—regardless. He knows the transformational power of God’s Word: “Christ mentions if you see a light somewhere, you don’t hide it. You hold it up so everyone can see it. People are living in darkness, so I just want to share God’s Word so that they’ll be rescued from darkness and made right in their life.”
Isaac holds the words of Jesus close to his heart, where He says, “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matthew 7:14). Isaac says, “You must go through so many struggles to just make it and share God’s Word.” Isaac works tirelessly to live a life through the narrow gate, giving all he has to spread the love of Jesus to others.
Help us gift Bibles to our persecuted family in deepest need for only $5 per Bible!
When asked how the global church can pray for him, Isaac says, “Ask God to keep us safe and help us to cross the barriers and struggles we face.”
Will you join us now in praying for Isaac and his family?
Lord God, we come before you with Isaac on our hearts. He lives a bold life of spreading Your Word. As he smuggles Bibles to neighboring countries, we ask You please protect him—let no evil succeed against him. Please keep him and his family safe from their community. And let those who receive Your Word be transformed. May they turn from their ways and live lives glorifying to You. Amen.
*Representative name used to preserve security
About the author
Abigail Hart is a journalist for Global Christian Relief. Her goal is to share the stories of global persecution with the worldwide Church, to make sure every believer is seen, known and never alone. Get the latest stories and prayer requests at