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Persecuted Christians from Nigeria reel after Christmas attacks

December 28, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in Nigeria

Suspected Fulani militants attacked no fewer than 32 different communities during a 48-hour stretch just days ago. Over 220 houses were set fire to, and 450 individuals suffered varying degrees of injuries, from gunshot wounds to burns to lacerations while fleeing.

Markus Amorudu, a resident of an attacked village, in recounting the harrowing experience, says, “We were scared because we weren’t expecting an attack. People hid, but the assailants captured many of us—some were killed, others wounded.”

Across Plateau State, four camps have been set up for internally displaced people. Already housed in the camps are over 700 households, all in need of food, blankets and basic necessities. Many other IDPs are seeking refuge in schools and churches. The total number of affected individuals due to these cowardly attacks is estimated at 15,000.

Father Maurice, one of our local partners in the affected area, had this to say: “This grim event has created a significant humanitarian catastrophe … among the displaced are women, children, the elderly and persons with disabilities, who find themselves compelled to sleep on bare floors in churches and schools, lacking any means to shield themselves from the harsh winter cold.

“As of this time, many displaced persons are surviving solely on the limited food donations provided by churches and some philanthropic individuals.”

In Romans 12:15, it says, “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” Today we are mourning with our brothers and sisters in Central Nigeria. We can’t fathom their loss at a time where there should have been such celebration. We are one Church in Him and we are feeling their pain.

But you can help us reach our persecuted family in Nigeria. Make a gift today and know it can be used for food kits, medical aid, blankets and other provisions. Help us act as the hands and feet of Jesus at such a time as this.

Help us reach and rush aid to those in Nigeria in need of necessities after surviving such a harrowing attack.

Please join us in prayer now for our Nigerian brothers and sisters.

Lord, although we are continents away, we carry the weight and pain of our persecuted family. We ask Your pour out Your peace over loved ones that are grieving. We ask for miraculous healing for those who were injured. We pray provision for those living as IDPs. And we ask You please stir the Church in the West to offer life-giving aid and reach those in Nigeria in great need. God, show us who You are and heal the Church in Nigeria. Amen.

Photo caption: The aftermath of terrorist attacks across Central Nigeria

About the author
Tim Dustin writes breaking news for Global Christian Relief, sharing the stories of the persecuted with the Church around the world. Get the latest blogs and prayer requests at

Our persecuted brothers and sisters in Nigeria are in need! A sequence of calculated attacks has left thousands homeless and internally displaced. They lack basic necessities like food, medical aid and blankets. Help us reach them and make a life-giving difference in their lives.

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