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Persecuted Christians in Indonesia locked out of church

August 21, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in Indonesia

Pastor Fadhlan* and his church in Jakarta went through a years-long struggle to get a building permit. They were relieved to finally get their wishes in 2018 … they were free to legally worship together!

But then a short time later, the unthinkable happened: COVID-19 struck and churches in the Southeast Asian nation were forced to shutter.

After the pandemic eased, Pastor Fadhlan had to obtain yet another permit, but once again, local authorities were not responsive due to their prejudice against Christians.

The congregation decided to gather anyway. After weeks of meeting, the local government responded—with a threat. The church would be closed indefinitely if they continued to meet without a permit.

Sure enough, the congregants recently arrived to find themselves locked out of their building. They decided to make a video about the unfair situation, and by the grace of God, it went viral online; the local authorities were then pressured to reopen the church. However, Pastor Fadhlan and his flock still need a permit to remain open for the long term.

While our persecuted brothers and sisters in Indonesia face tremendous resistance, the Word of God offers encouragement in 1 Corinthians 15:58: “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain.”

Pastor Fadhlan and his flock need our prayers and support. Let’s pray together and ask God for a breakthrough. 

Father of all creation, You are mighty and powerful. We ask that You would help Your church in Indonesia get the permits they need to keep their doors open. We destroy—by the power and blood of Jesus—every roadblock preventing this church from getting their permits.

Lord, we also pray for the Muslims who don’t know You in Jakarta. Jesus, reveal Yourself to them and bring them to salvation. May there be healing, deliverance and transformation in them. In Your holy name we pray. Amen.

About The Author
Amanda is a contributor at Global Christian Relief. She raises awareness for the plight of the persecuted church around the world. She invites you to learn more about Christian persecution on our website at

*Representative name and photo used to preserve security

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