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Serving persecuted Christians like Azad this Giving Tuesday

November 21, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in the Middle East

The team at Global Christian Relief recently traveled to an undisclosed location in the Middle East, where we met with Azad. While he’s a passionate member of the underground church today, his transformation from Islamic extremist to Christ follower started with one thing: the Bible.

Before he came to Christ, Azad’s Muslim faith caused issues within his family. He shares, “Many times before, my wife wanted to be divorced because she didn’t like the idea of jihad and Islamic ideas.”

To further his extreme religious beliefs, Azad began reading the Bible to prove that it was inaccurate. “I saw a book, a Gospel, and I started to read it … then I started to research and read the Bible. I was reading in order to find mistakes.”

Partner with us in serving Persecuted Christians like Azad this Giving Tuesday.

Little did Azad know that God would begin to transform his heart, mind and soul as the Word came to life.

Around the same time, Azad saw a short film about the life of Jesus. Then one night, he had a dream that Jesus died on the cross for his sins. A short time later, he and his wife accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Today, Azad’s thoughts on the Bible have completely changed. “God’s Word is always alive,” he proclaims. “He has given us every [spiritual] food possible … We’ve been given everything, haven’t we?”

Now, this former Muslim spends his days strapping 50-pound sacks of Bibles to his back, even Bibles for children, so he can carry the Word of God to underground churches in the region.

Let’s praise God for the difference one Bible can make.

Father God, Azad’s story reminds us that no one is too far from Your grace, for You can soften the hardest of hearts. Lord, we pray for the Middle East to be saturated with the Word of God. Let Your truth rain down like a flood, awakening dry bones to the love of Jesus Christ.

Strengthen Azad as he smuggles Bibles to believers and Muslim seekers. Bless the work of his hands and protect him from all harm. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

About the author
Abigail Hart writes and edits for Global Christian Relief. She speaks on behalf of the persecuted church and shares their stories with believers everywhere. Get the latest stories and prayer requests at

This Giving Tuesday, for just $5, you can gift a Bible to a believer in desperate need of God’s Word. Help us reach our goal of providing 80,000 Bibles to the persecuted church. Your gift can make a lasting difference.

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