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Supreme Court intercedes for persecuted Christians in Manipur, India

August 9, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in India

There had been an underlying fear that the perpetrators of these ethnic and religious attacks—violent Hindu Meiteis—would never be held accountable for their actions; officers in Manipur initially failed to take action and uphold the law due to their prejudice against minority populations. But we’re praising God because the tide is turning, thanks to international media attention and the Body of Christ’s fervent prayers.

After the victims had requested an impartial investigation and trial, the Indian Supreme Court decided to appoint former Mumbai Police Commissioner Dattatray Padsalgikar to be head of the probe into the sexual violence and assault in Manipur. By appointing Padsalgikar, the Supreme Court is putting in-charge an independent third party to get to the bottom of the assaults, removing the prejudice and bias of local officials in Manipur. In addition, the Court has also assigned three retired female judges to look into the onslaught of attacks.

While the corrupt Manipur officials sought to overlook these heinous confrontations, the people of India have started to wake up to the plight of our persecuted family. And at Global Christian Relief, we’re doing all we can to help. Earlier this year, the ethnic and religious violence in Manipur had spiraled out of control: Entire villages were torched, hundreds of churches were burned and many people were killed. Tens of thousands—mostly Christians—became homeless. But GCR and our partners on the ground are currently operating two emergency relief centers in India that can support up to 10,000 at-risk believers who’ve been impacted.

Through a special, one-time gift of $70 to Global Christian Relief, you can offer our persecuted family in Manipur, India and beyond something that’s desperately in need of right now: hope. Let them know they’re never alone by providing emergency support: food, water, safe shelter, clothing, Bibles, trauma counseling—whatever it takes in their time of need.

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Will you join us in praying over Manipur?

Father God, our hearts are heavy for Manipur and our assaulted sisters there. They did nothing wrong yet became targets of ethnic and religious violence. We ask You to wrap Your loving arms around our persecuted family in Manipur, India, that they will feel Your presence and know a peace that surpasses all understanding.

We ask, God, that You bless the impartial authorities who are in charge of these committees as they dig into claims and attacks motivated by ethnic and religious prejudice. We pray they will not favor one party over the other, but that rather, their main goal would be justice.

And we pray for the violent Hindu Meiteis who were responsible for these vile acts, that they will have an encounter with You. We know even the hearts furthest from You can find salvation. We ask You to work in their lives, that they will repent of their actions and become voices for persecuted Christians in Manipur, India and beyond.

In Your holy name we pray. Amen.

*Representative photo used

About The Author
Tim Dustin is a staff writer for Global Christian Relief, a nonprofit Christian ministry whose mission it is to amplify the voices of Christian persecution and help vulnerable believers so they can spread the gospel and advance the Great Commission. You can learn more by visiting our website at