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Indian persecution is at an all-time high

April 3, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecution updates

In Chhattisgarh, India, persecuted Christians are enduring extreme and targeted attacks. Recently, believers were beaten, punched, kicked and forced to flee their homes. But from the stories we’ve heard and get to share with you this month, not a single Christian would deny the Lord.

One of our partners said, “But none of us would leave the Lord Jesus … I was ready to do anything for Jesus.”

Over 2,000 Indian persecuted Christians are in need physically, but what they crave more than anything are our prayers: “Please pray. That’s what I want.”

Will you join us in praying for our persecuted Indian brothers and sisters?

• Pray for their physical, emotional and spiritual safety.

• Pray they will be able to gather peacefully and return to their homes.

• Pray their faith will continue to grow, no matter the opposition that rises against them.

We also ask you to prayerfully consider making a gift to help persecuted Christians in India during this critical time.

About The Author
Tim Dustin is a staff writer for Global Christian Relief, a nonprofit Christian ministry that works to strengthen persecuted believers and raise awareness regarding Christian persecution. For more information, visit our website at