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Underground church in the Middle East runs secret Bible printing press

May 5, 2024 by Abigail Hart in Underground Church in the Middle East

Recently, the team at Global Christian Relief traveled to the Middle East to visit our partners and see this Bible printing press in action. It was a heart-stirring experience and we’re eager to share it with you, our reader, in this exclusive video.

Send Bibles and discipleship materials to your persecuted brothers and sisters in the Middle East and beyond.

In this area of the world, the Bible is illegal. Amazingly, the underground church in the Middle East risks it all for the gospel. 

These fearless believers not only print Bibles in multiple languages, but they also put them in the hands of persecuted Christians and Muslim seekers.  

While trekking across rugged frontiers to spread God’s Word and grow the underground church, they face serious danger. Our friend Omar, a local Christian leader, shares his experience: “We get death threats. We face persecution constantly, but we have peace in Jesus. Every day, we don’t know if we will live or die. Our life is in God’s hands.”  

Omar knows that, despite the risks, delivering God’s Word into the hands of persecuted believers means everything. That’s why this mission is so urgent. Our brothers & sisters in the Middle East desperately need their very own Bible:

• to grow in their newfound Christian faith;
• to discover God’s promises and good plans for them;
• to become strong disciple makers pursuing the Great Commission; and
• to wield the Sword of the Spirit as others violently pressure them to return to Islam.

You can help these persecuted believers stand firm through your powerful prayers and support of Global Christian Relief. Please stay tuned as the team at GCR shares their incredible stories of resilience over the next few months. 

Enjoy the video of the secret Bible printing press, and let’s pray for the underground church in the Middle East as they boldly work to grow God’s family in this treacherous part of the world.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the courage and tenacity of this persecuted community in the Middle East. Lord, bless the work of their hands as they print and distribute countless Bibles to those in need. God, protect them and the printing press from all harm, that Your Word might spread throughout every nation in the Middle East and bring hundreds of millions to salvation. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. 

About the author
Abigail Hart serves on the communications team at Global Christian Relief. She enjoys writing and sharing the bold stories of the persecuted church with believers all around the globe. Read the latest Christian persecution stories on our website and learn more at

For just $5, you can strengthen and support a vulnerable member of the underground church in the Middle East and beyond with their very own copy of the Bible. We invite you to give the precious gift of God’s Word now through  a special, one-time gift to Global Christian Relief. 

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