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We pray for persecuted Christian Omar this Giving Tuesday

November 28, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in the Middle East

As our team sat down to chat with Omar at an undisclosed location, he shared how he first came to Christ through the Word.

“My family is Muslim [but] I listened to a preacher [on social media], the Sunday preaching, and in that moment, God touched my heart. It was the first time in my life that I saw and heard the gospel. I read the Bible … I came to Christ,” Omar recalls.

Since then, Omar, his wife and children have experienced persecution from their community. Their Muslim family members disowned them and their children are taunted by teachers at school. But they remain committed to sharing the gospel. “We are thankful for His Word that we read and that we pray. That gives us energy,” shares Omar.

Today, Omar focuses his efforts on growing the underground church. “We very much believe in house churches, in the underground church. That is how we work. We begin in one house, and we start with my family first. And every month we see more people coming to the churches. I have 40 house churches,” declares Omar.

As he pursues the Great Commission, Omar is seeing more and more Muslims renounce Islam and turn to Christ. When asked how he feels about baptizing new converts, he proclaims, “[I’m] very happy. Because I see that the people [turn] from darkness into light. They come from death to light.”

But as his network of secret house churches grows, Omar needs more Bibles to properly disciple new converts and Muslim seekers.

“We need prayer … [and] the Bible. Because every day we go to the families, to the people and we bring Bibles to the families. There’s a lot of risk,” explains Omar.

For just $5, you can gift a Bible and help persecuted believers like Omar this Giving Tuesday.

Let’s pray for Omar’s network of home churches to grow beyond his wildest expectations.

Lord, we thank You for drawing Omar to Christ through the Word of God. We praise You that his encounter with You has gone on to multiply disciples through his network of 40 home churches. God, we pray for Your hand to be upon these churches.

Omar has been faithful to You despite persecution and the loss of his Muslim family members. We pray that you would grow his family in Christ beyond his expectations. We declare Ephesians 3:20 over Omar right now, which says that our God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. Amen.

About the author
Abigail Hart is a staff writer for Global Christian Relief, where she joyfully serves the persecuted church by sharing their stories. Get the latest stories and prayer requests at

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