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It’s a surreal time in the world right now. The coronavirus pandemic has affected billions of people. And chances are, it’s affected you. Here in the United States, coronavirus has changed lives in both big and small ways. Kids and grandkids are out of school; you might be working from home for the first time; your church has moved services online; and you haven’t seen your friends in weeks.
For some, the impact has been more devastating—families have lost loved ones, and other people are secluded as they fight for their lives on ventilators.
It’s a time of unease and fear. And it can be easy to give into that fear, to withdraw our love for our neighbors and for God because we are scared. But that’s not what Christians are called to do!
Our persecuted brothers and sisters know this reality—and they live in it each day. Might they have something to teach American Christians during this time?
This short ebook has seven lessons from persecuted Christians about how to wrestle with fear and uncertainty. Learn how the promises of God have helped Christians around the world stand strong in the midst of oppression—and how the same God can help you overcome fear in a pandemic.