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Give Them Hope

Persecuted Christians in Nigeria need you.

Millions of people have been displaced by violence and Islamic extremism—including countless believers. Help restore their dignity today.

Send aid to your suffering brothers & sisters now

Every gift can help to restore the dignity of hurting Nigerian believers.

Your $36 gift can supply comforting toys and gifts to displaced Nigerian children and orphans.

Your $70 gift can provide trauma counseling to hurting Nigerian widows and mothers.

Your $140 gift can supply small business stipends, equipping displaced Nigerians to provide for their families.

Your $250 gift can supply well water access so those in displacement camps have clean water to drink.

Send aid to displaced Nigerians now.

Nigeria is the most dangerous nation on Earth for Christians.

Murderous groups like Boko Haram terrorize innocent men, women and children simply because of their faith in Christ, destroying homes, churches and entire villages in their wake.

You can sustain persecuted Nigerian Christians in hard places.

Your support of the persecuted church means that our displaced family members can remain in their communities to be a light for the gospel. Help Christ followers like Suzanne—who says the joy of the Lord is her strength!

powerful stories from the field

"My faith is still unwavering ... I don’t know if there’s anything to this day that could stop me from following Christ."


A fervent Christian, Suzanne was shot in the head by members of the Islamic terrorist organization known as Boko Haram and left for dead. Little did these vile attackers know that God would miraculously sustain her.

Though the violence left Suzanne permanently blind, she is filled with radical forgiveness for her persecutors—thanks to her faith in Jesus.

"When the Boko Haram assailant shot me, I only pray for him saying, 'Oh God, in ignorance he committed his actions. Oh God, forgive them.' This is my prayer all the time," declares Suzanne.

If her enemy were to return, Suzanne says, "I'd welcome him, give him a place to sit. I'd give him water to drink. I'd give him food to eat ... We'll eat together and pray." And why would she do this? "Because Jesus Christ teaches me so," she explains. "We should never retaliate evil for evil."

We invite you to pray for faithful believers like Suzanne and give today to sustain them in times of immense hardship.

"Whenever I would kneel to pray, I would silently plead with God to save me from their hands."


After they murdered her Christian husband, members of the Boko Haram Islamic terrorist organization kidnapped Deborah and her two young daughters.

For nearly two years, Deborah was held captive. She endured frequent assaults and was forced to participate in Muslim prayers.

One night, by the grace of God, Deborah was able to escape into the harsh Nigerian bush. She and her children endured severe sickness, infections and hunger en route to a refugee camp.

There, she was able to begin her healing journey. "GCR’s partners assisted me and provided for all my needs. Everything ... food, water, my children’s health care, shelter, a bed to lie on … May God repay you for your generosity!”

Please consider a gift today to help Christian widows like Deborah recover from severe trauma so they can be a light to other women in need.

What your gift means toin Nigeria.

• Medical care

• Trauma counseling

• Safe shelter

• Christian discipleship

• Income support and more

Innocent Nigerian children have lost everything

You can send comforting gifts and toys to displaced children who’ve lost a parent to Islamic extremism.

Newly widowed Nigerians fear for the future

You can give them encouragement by providing access to God’s Word, trauma counseling, grief support and Christian discipleship.

Displaced Nigerian Christians must rebuild their lives

You can supply displaced Nigerian Christians with small business stipends and job training. Help them to build confidence as they discover how to tailor clothing and create jewelry to provide for their families.