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Advocate for Christians worldwide


Our Three-Pronged Approach to Advocacy

Across the globe, millions of persecuted Christians experience threats, discrimination and violence—simply because of their faith in Jesus Christ. And all too often, the mainstream media overlooks the plight of these suffering believers as they cry out for relief from unjust imprisonment, kidnappings, mob violence, church attacks and more.


That’s why Global Christian Relief advocates for persecuted Christians worldwide through the three D’s of advocacy : diplomacy & engagement, data-driven initiatives, and discreet interventions. By utilizing this three-pronged, multifaceted approach, our advocacy experts amplify the voices of our at-risk brothers and sisters who might otherwise be silenced or forgotten. We stand with them as a beacon of hope, ensuring that no believer is alone during their time of severe hardship and religious oppression.


Our advocacy work is ultimately rooted in Scripture, as Hebrews 13:3 reminds us to “remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering,” while Galatians 6:10 admonishes the Body of Christ to “do good to all people, especially those who belong to the family of believers.” Read on to discover how Global Christian Relief serves as a powerful advocate for our persecuted family in need.


The 3 “D’s” of Advocacy


Diplomacy & Engagement

The GCR Advocacy team is committed to building high-quality relationships with key, governmental decision-makers: those who are positioned to assist persecuted believers through legislative efforts and policy development. By maintaining a strong presence in Washington, D.C., we actively engage with influential individuals within the White House, the Department of State, Congress and more, fostering critical dialogue about the growing crisis of Christian persecution.


We aid persecuted Christians who are unreachable through traditional relief work by taking their stories to the halls of power worldwide. Our subject matter experts, including Dr. David Curry (GCR President & CEO), Isaac Six (GCR Senior Director of Advocacy), and others testify on Capitol Hill before members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate to raise awareness for at-risk believers. Additionally, our Advocacy team highlights stories of persecution in Countries of Particular Concern (CPC’s), where egregious religious freedom violations are taking place.


Watch GCR testify before Congress now


We also collaborate with a wide array of human rights and religious freedom organizations in order to speak with a united voice on behalf of all who suffer for their faith in Jesus. Most recently, David Curry attended the International Religious Freedom (IRF) Summit alongside former Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, and representatives from more than 90 different organizations. There, Curry moderated key panels on religious persecution to increase public awareness and political strength for the international religious freedom movement.


See photos and video from the IRF Summit.



Data-Driven Initiatives


One of GCR’s new Advocacy initiatives is the sponsorship of the all-new Violent Incidents Database, a first-of-its-kind repository which tracks and documents thousands of occurrences of religious persecution across the globe. This dataset serves as a vital, quantitative resource for government officials, human rights organizations, media outlets and more, as we collectively seek to understand — and reduce — religious freedom violations. The Violent Incidents Database is open source, meaning the contents within are designed to be redistributed and shared broadly to raise awareness for suffering people of faith.


Explore the Violent Incidents Database now.


As Global Christian Relief strives to create the world’s most extensive, covert network serving persecuted Christians, we form trusted relationships on the ground with partners across the globe. Our Advocacy team members gather with our partners to document the negative impacts of religious repression on individuals, communities and countries. Most recently, GCR has verified and preserved stories of persecution in places like Afghanistan, Armenia, Iran, Iraq, Iran, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Korea, Nepal and more.


Watch videos of Christian persecution.



Discreet Interventions 


GCR recognizes that some instances of persecution cannot be widely publicized due to credible threats of violence, torture or death; they require a more subtle and nuanced approach. When necessary, we leverage our resources and international political network behind the scenes to secure the release of persecuted Christians being held against their will in highly sensitive situations. Through our most recent interventions, GCR’s Advocacy team helped to secure the release of a pastor taken hostage in the Middle East; assisted with the rescue of two Christian families hunted by a violent militia group; and provided safe harbor for a Christian convert pursued by Al-Shabaab-linked terrorists in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Though we cannot share the full details of these success stories and others like them, our supporters can feel confident in knowing our Advocacy team works to ensure that no Christian is forgotten or alone, even amid the most challenging of circumstances.

You can take action to help those who are persecuted through advocacy. Here are a few ways to get started:



As a donor-funded ministry, GCR and our Advocacy team rely on the generosity of faithful believers like you. In fact, your prayers and giving are absolutely critical to our success. Through a special, one-time gift today, you can help to fuel GCR’s diplomacy & engagement, data-driven initiatives, discreet interventions and more—all in support of persecuted Christians around the globe. For an even bigger impact, join our Frontline Partner community and support our Advocacy work on a recurring, monthly basis. Please donate now.

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Meet our Advocacy Team

Dr. David Curry – President & CEO
David Curry is the President and CEO of Global Christian Relief, an organization that advocates on behalf of those who are persecuted for their Christian faith throughout the world.

For nearly a decade, he has worked to raise awareness and support for those who endure extreme restrictions and, in some cases, horrific violence for practicing their faith.
Ambassador Samuel Brownback –
Senior Fellow
Sam Brownback served as Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom from February 2018 to January 2021. He served as Governor of Kansas from 2011 to 2018.

Prior to that he represented his home state in the United States Senate and the House of Representatives. While a member of the Senate, he worked actively on the issue of religious freedom in multiple countries and was a key sponsor of the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.

Prior to his public service, Ambassador Brownback practiced law and taught agricultural law at Kansas State University. He earned a B.S. from Kansas State University and a J.D. from the University of Kansas.

Ambassador Brownback currently serves as co-chair of the International Religious Freedom Summit and is a Senior Fellow at Global Christian Relief. He is also chairman of the National Committee for Religious Freedom.

He and his wife Mary have five children and nine grandchildren.
Isaac Six – Senior Director of Advocacy
Isaac has worked on a wide array of international religious freedom issues in various capacities in Washington D.C. over the past ten years, including as Director of Congressional Affairs and Communications for the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, Advocacy Director for International Christian Concern, and as a Fellow for the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

He has visited and interviewed survivors of religious freedom violations in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt, among others, while instituting new projects to assist and advocate for those survivors and their communities. Isaac has also facilitated hundreds of meetings and events on Capitol Hill on behalf of communities facing religious freedom violations, has frequently served as a speaker at Congressional briefings, and has been invited to write or speak on international religious freedom issues by the U.S. State Department, the Foreign Service Institute, the Religious Freedom Institute, and many others.

His work has been cited by a range of media outlets, including Foreign Policy, The Wall Street Journal, National Review, Fox News, Radio Free Asia, and World Magazine.
Peter Burns – Policy Advisor
Peter Burns is a Policy Advisor for Global Christian Relief and also works as Executive Director of the International Religious Freedom Summit.

He formerly served as Special Assistant to the Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom at the Department of State. Before that, he worked as Government Relations and Policy Director at In Defense of Christians, and also worked as the Policy Analyst for Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback. He has been an advocate building movements from the time he founded the College Republican chapter while attending Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in 2014, and was campus director for the Bruce Rauner Campaign for Governor, to his work today amplifying the efforts of foreign policy focused NGOs.

Peter has studied politics and foreign policy through selective fellowships with The Philos Leadership Institute, the Tikvah Fund and the Public Interest Fellowship. He has written for Washington Examiner, Providence Magazine, The Federalist, The American Conservative, and The Hill. He also serves on the board of the Forge Leadership Network.
Miles Windsor – Advocacy Fellow
Miles Windsor has been working to defend and support persecuted Christians and to advance religious freedom for all, with a focus on the Middle East and North Africa, for almost 15 years. He is based in London, England.

Prior to his work on religious freedom advocacy, Miles worked as a journalist in the BBC’s Current Affairs unit, and then in corporate public affairs. Miles also has experience as an elected representative in local politics, and a campaign manager and aide to a successful, prominent parliamentary candidate during a UK national election campaign. He has served as the Senior Manager for Strategy and Campaigns at the Religious Freedom Institute since 2020. Miles has been invited on various occasions to give advice, briefings and testimony to the US Department of State, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in the US Congress, the International Freedom of Religion or Belief Alliance (IRFBA), the British Parliament, the Canadian Parliament, and the UK Foreign Office amongst others. Beyond political communications, he employs a range of strategic and innovative methods and tactics in pursuit of positive outcomes.

Miles has written articles for the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, the New York Times, the New York Post, the Spectator, RealClear Religion, RealClear Politics, the Critic Magazine, Religion Unplugged, and Providence Magazine.