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Persecuted Egyptian Christian family harassed and attacked by mobs

April 10, 2024 by Josh Depenbrok in Persecuted Christians in Egypt

“On March 14, my son, sister-in-law and I were returning home from our church. Suddenly, two motorcycles appeared behind us. One of the men grabbed me in an inappropriate way, and they were laughing. I was terrified and panicked, so we shouted to ask people for help,” recalled Rosette.

My cousin, a Christian young man named Sameh, heard our screams and came quickly to us. A verbal altercation broke out between them. Then, these young men attacked Sameh. He was injured and cut deeply across his face. The assailants then fled on their motorcycles.”

Sameh was quickly taken to the hospital in critical condition, where he received 70 stitches. Although the man who cut him was identified—he is still on the run.

Shortly after Sameh’s assailants fled, mobs of extremists gathered and targeted Christian homes and properties.

A resident of the village told GCR he was stunned when the mobs stormed the area carrying knives, bricks and iron bars. Seven Christians were injured in the attacks and 12 homes were destroyed, and Rosette’s older brother was critically injured after he was hit in the head. “We had a terrifying night. The children were especially terrified,” she explained.

The police arrived and eventually took control of the situation, arresting three of the attackers, including the man who initially harassed Rosette.

But the next day after security forces left, the threats continued, with villagers pushing the Christians to drop the charges. “Some are banging hard … and throwing fireworks at our homes,” one resident said. “We are afraid and feeling vulnerable without protection.”

Rosette added, “We do not know what to do. My children and I cannot sleep, and we cannot leave the house. Please pray for us.” 


Let’s join together to pray for Rosette and her persecuted Egyptian Christian family who has been attacked simply for trusting in Jesus. 

Heavenly Father, we lift up to You Rosette, her family, community, and all persecuted Christians across Egypt. Please keep them safe in Your care and give them comfort and courage in times of great fear and uncertainty. We declare 2 Timothy 4:18 over these individuals: “The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom.”

Let their love for You be a light and example to those her in village who don’t yet know You. Please bring healing to Sameh and all others who have been injured in these vicious attacks. In Your name we pray. Amen.

*Photo caption: A street scene in Egypt.

About the author

Josh Depenbrok serves as a Public Relations Manager at Global Christian Relief. He is passionate about supporting persecuted Christians who endure threats and violence because of their faith in some of the most difficult countries in the world. Read the latest Christian persecution stories on our website and learn more at

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