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Persecuted Indian Christian banished from her village

April 23, 2024 by Chandler Peterson in Persecuted Christians in India

Sati was married off to a Hindu man at a very young age and had several children. She made sure that her sons and daughters received the education she never had.

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One day, Sati noticed that a few of her friends and other women from her community left their village every Sunday. Out of curiosity, she asked where they were going, and learned they were going to church.

Sati had never heard of Christianity, but she started attending church with these women. She received a Bible, which her youngest daughter read to her. The Lord worked in their lives, and soon they accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.

“I felt peace in my heart whenever I was with the believers,” Sati said.

A persecuted Indian Christian makes a difficult choice

However, Sati’s new church attendance did not sit well with many in her village. Her husband tried to encourage her to give up her “foreign religion.” Soon, the village council ordered Sati and her family to attend a meeting where, in front of everyone in the community, Sati was told to abandon her faith and return to Hinduism.

“I was determined to follow Jesus Christ,” Sati said.

The village council gave her another chance to renounce her religion. They told her if she continued to practice Christianity, she would have to forfeit the life she knew. Her husband and sons chose to stay behind as Sati and her daughter were forced to leave their village.

The mother and daughter found shelter and work with the help of their pastor. As a persecuted Indian Christian, Sati strives to share the Gospel with others in every way she can and continues to pray that her family and her community would come to know Jesus.

“Though I miss my family, I am at peace because I know the True and Living God,” Sati said.     

Please say a prayer for Sati, her daughter and the village she had to leave behind.

Dear Jesus, we pray for Sati and her daughter as they pursue faith in You despite tremendous opposition. We remember your words in Luke 14: “Whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.” Give Sati strength to persevere as she has forsaken all that she has. Lead her family and her village to faith in you. Amen.

*Please note: Sati’s name has been changed to ensure her safety.

About the author
Chandler Peterson is a staff writer and editor for Global Christian Relief where she shares stories of Christian persecution. Read the latest Christian persecution stories on our website and learn more at

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