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15 persecuted believers from Burkina Faso martyred at church

February 26, 2024 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in Burkina Faso

According to local church officials, armed terrorists stormed a church in the village of Essakane near Dori city on February 25, murdering a group of worshippers that had peacefully gathered for a service.

12 believers were immediately killed on site, while 3 others died afterward as their wounds were being tended to, bringing the death toll to 15. Additionally, 2 others were left injured by the senseless attack.

In the wake of this terrible atrocity, a local church leader named Abbot Sawadogo has shared a special prayer request with the Body of Christ. “In this painful circumstance, we invite you to pray … for the healing of the wounded and the consolation of grieving hearts,” he remarked.

“Let us pray for the conversion of those who continue to sow death and desolation in our country; that our efforts in prayer in this blessed time of Lent will lead to peace and security for our country, Burkina Faso.”

Unfortunately, this attack is nothing new in the west African nation. Prolonged violence and conflicts have displaced over 2 million people. But there is hope. Your contributions are making a difference!

Just recently, through the generous gifts of our donors, Global Christian Relief supplied 34,024 pounds of food to displaced believers in Burkina Faso.

Food relief in Burkina Faso

Food relief in Burkina Faso

Michel, a pastor from Burkina Faso who narrowly escaped a Boko Haram terrorist attack, shares, “Praise God that after we fled, GCR partners from the area gave us crucial emergency aid. We don’t know when we’ll be able to return home. We were unable to take any of our belongings with us. Thank you very much for feeding us.”

As we lift up the congregation that lost 15 of its members, let’s also be grateful God is working to supply the needs of many.

Father, our hearts are grieved at the news of this barbaric attack on our persecuted family. We are reminded of Psalm 116:15, which says, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants.”

Lord, pour out physical, emotional and spiritual healing upon Your flock. Put a supernatural salve upon their broken hearts. We pray Matthew 5:4 over this church family: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”

God, we know You are always at work—even amid the chaos. We’re grateful for Your provision in meeting the needs of many, but we also know there are many more in need. Continue to supply for Your children. Amen.

About the author
Abigail Hart is a journalist for Global Christian Relief and works tirelessly to share the stories of Christian persecution out of Burkina Faso with the rest of the world. Get the latest blogs and prayer requests at

Burkina Faso has become a hotbed of persecution as extremist groups enforce a reign of terror. Over 2 million citizens are displaced—including countless believers. Your gift to Global Christian Relief could help supply displaced congregations in Burkina Faso and beyond with emergency food relief, safe shelter, hygiene kits, medicine and more.

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