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31 days of prayer for Turkey, Syria—‘Kids need prayers the most’

March 6, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecution updates

As the two regions desperately attempt to navigate the crisis, which has led to massive homelessness across both countries, GCR partners on the ground, who have been working around the clock with locals, have helped identify the specific needs of the Turkish and Syrian people affected by the quakes.

Our team just recently visited Turkey to witness and hear firsthand about the work our partners are doing to be both salt and light and show the love of Christ in what are many communities’ and families’ darkest hours.

“Our most important objective right now is to meet the needs of the affected people,” says Mr. John, relief director at one of the churches GCR is partnering with in the devastated city of Iskenderum. “We try to meet their needs in every possible way.”

Ali Farajullayev, a worship pastor from Yalova and one of our local partners came to help construct temporary shelters. He shares what he has seen so far:

“The kids need prayers the most. Children don’t know how bad the situation is,” he says. “Some kids lost their families, and some of them lost their houses.”

Everyone our team met asked for prayers, including responders and families who lost everything. “A small move can change a whole life,” says Ninve, one of our Turkish partners on the ground. “Not just for one person, but for a whole village. We don’t want to feel abandoned. We need to know that all Christians are with us. We are struggling to have food. We really do need [your] prayers.”

We’re asking you to commit the next 31 days to praying (and giving, if you’re led) for those affected by the earthquakes, as well as the churches and our partners on the front line ministering to devastated communities. And we’ve compiled a prayer for each day you can pray—and know that thousands are praying the same words with you.


1. Pray for physical healing for those who have survived the earthquakes but sustained critical injuries.

Lord, grant miraculous physical healing to those in hospitals or camps, who have been physically harmed by the earthquakes. You are the Great Physician.


2. Pray for mental/emotional healing for those left to deal with the incomprehensible trauma a natural disaster of such magnitude inevitably creates.

Father, we pray for a special grace on those enduring the painful trauma this disaster has caused. Give them a sound mind as they navigate these difficult times.


3. Pray for continued survivor miracles.

Lord, anything is possible with You. If any life remains under the rubble, bring it forward.


4. Pray for the safety of emergency responders, digging through harsh terrain and rubble in freezing temperatures to help identify the remains of loved ones.

 Jesus, grant strength and protection to the emergency responders risking their lives for others.


5. Pray for mental and emotional strength for families who have lost loved ones due to the disaster, as they attempt to grieve while simultaneously attempting to survive.

Lord, as families grieve the devastating loss of loved ones, grant them supernatural comfort and strength from you.


6. Pray for those who have lost their homes, that they would be met with the support needed to move forward.

Father, bring new homes to those who have lost them.


7. Pray for churches like St. George in the devastated city of Iskenderum, who are teaming up with other congregations to help deliver aid and remind those affected that they are not forgotten.

Father, strengthen the global Church during this time, to do Your work of love.


8. Pray for local churches and organizations on the ground to receive the financial support they need to continue to provide emergency relief.

Lord, strengthen local churches and organizations with monetary support to provide aid.


9. Pray for those displaced from homes, and are now living in tent camps, that they would receive needed safety and hygiene resources such as showers, bathrooms, etc.

Father, for those now living in camps, make it as bearable as possible, with all necessary hygiene resources.


10. Pray for Syrians already affected by the pains of a civil war, to find hope and resilience.

Lord, give grace to those dealing with double-trauma from war.


11. Many Turks and Syrians on the ground have cited feeling forgotten by the world. Pray that the global Church would be filled with compassion in their hearts to provide help according to their means.

Lord, remind survivors that they are loved and not alone. Let us do our part to show them.


12. Pray for families who have lost their homes to receive permanent shelters with heaters, as the cold weather has been unbearable for many.

Lord, provide physical and spiritual warmth during this difficult season.


13. Pray for an increased availability of trauma counselors, as the collective grief in both regions continues to grow.

Father, bring forward those trauma counselors who are called to help during this time.


14. The humanitarian crisis has caused an outbreak of diseases in tent camps; pray that it will not spread.

Father, we ask that you halt all untimely sickness and disease.


15. Pray for wisdom and strategy over the health teams at each camp.

Lord, give health experts all needed knowledge to protect survivors.


16. Pray for those affected by the new outbreak of diseases, that God would spare them and preserve their health.

Jesus, have mercy on survivors now being affected by a new outbreak of diseases, heal them quickly.


17. Pray that families in the camps would have the strength to be patient and compassionate with one another, while navigating the sudden shock of survival mode.

Lord grant patience to families full of fear and loss, that they would find comfort in You as their provider.


18. Pray for church leaders, that they would be fueled with strength as they juggle many tasks, from relief efforts, spiritual care, trauma counseling and more.

Lord, bless church and service leaders with resilience as they pour out of themselves in love for Your glory.


19. Pray for wisdom, compassion and strategy over Turkish and Syrian government leaders, that they would make every effort to rebuild homes, churches and cultural sites.

Lord, let all government leaders operate with honesty and integrity during this difficult time.


20. Pray for mercy and love over Turkish and Syrian government leaders, that they would treat survivors with dignity and justice, giving them a hopeful future.

Father, touch all government leaders to act justly towards survivors.


21. Pray that local and international politics would not hinder the delivery of emergency relief.

Lord, let no human motives hinder the work of love so desperately needed during this time.


22. Pray for peace amongst differing religious groups, that the pure and simple love of Jesus would shine through any division and bring forth a united spirit of hope.

Jesus, let Your love unite and heal the diverse groups affected by this disaster.


23. Pray for those building sheds, like Ali Farajullayev, that he and his team would be filled with strength and endurance.

Father, grant supernatural strength to those giving of themselves, as new shelters are being created.


24. Pray for those who are living on the streets, with no home or camp, that they would be immediately provided with relief.

Lord, bring shelter to all of your creation.


25. Pray for children who have lost their parents, that God would protect them and provide them with guardianship.

Father, comfort the children who have lost their parents, bring them heavenly love and support.


26. Pray for children who are enduring early childhood trauma from the disaster, that they would receive proper mental and emotional support.

Heal Your children, oh Lord.


27. Pray for those endangered buildings that may still collapse, that all spaces that need evacuation would be cleared so that no more lives are affected.

Lord, protect survivors from any continual damage.


28. Pray that the people of Turkey and Syria, though enduring unfathomable hardship, would not lose their faith in God, but rather, through moments of compassion, find hope again.

Ignite Your supernatural hope, Lord.


29. Turkey and Syria’s emergency financial support has decreased over time, but the needs on the ground have only increased. Pray that people will find it in their hearts to financially provide during this unprecedented time.

Compel those who can give to flow in generosity during this difficult time.


30. Pray for spiritual leaders on the ground, that they would be filled with wisdom, strength, and peace to share biblical hope during such tumultuous times.

Lord, fill those who are filling others.


31. Pray, that through all the unjust suffering, that the love and glory of God would shine through, empowering Turkey and Syria with a new dimension of hope.

Father, may Your mighty love and peaceful glory shine in all seasons.


While we may not all be able to be on the ground to help provide aid, we know that faith, even the size of a mustard seed, can move mountains. Thank you for praying and believing.

About The Author
Tim Dustin is a staff writer for Global Christian Relief, a nonprofit Christian ministry that works to strengthen persecuted believers and raise awareness regarding Christian persecution. For more information, visit our website at
Help churches in Syria and Turkey be salt and light

Help churches in Syria and Turkey be salt and light

Time is critical—our partners are distributing relief over the next 4-6 weeks to serve more than 10,000 people, including persecuted communities of believers. Act now—be the hands and feet of Jesus for those who’ve lost so much in this disaster. No gift is too small.