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A former Islamic extremist’s miraculous conversion to Christianity

April 19, 2024 by Chandler Peterson in Persecuted Christians in Egypt

A Persecutor of Christians

I was raised in a culture of Islamic extremism. My father taught me that, in order for Islam to prevail in the world, we must dedicate our lives completely to serving our God. I memorized the entire Quran and applied its words faithfully.

For years, I believed my purpose was to fight and persecute Christians, whom we saw as polytheists and infidels. I joined with other radicals and together we burned and ransacked Christian homes and churches in Upper Egypt. We even kidnapped Christian girls. Through all of this, I truly believed I was faithfully applying the word of God.

But despite my religious devotion, I was disturbed and unsatisfied. I never felt peace. I heard about major terrorist operations throughout the Middle East, and I started to question whether this violence could be God’s will.

“How could God want people to be treated like this?” I asked myself. I began to wonder whether Islam was even true. I asked God to show me the truth and guide me to what is right.

A Former Islamic Extremist Finds Hope in Christ

That night, I dreamt I was walking in a desert, lost in darkness and afraid. Suddenly, someone appeared, illuminating the entire space. The light shone so intently that I could not see His face.

“Do not be afraid,” He said in a reassuring voice. “I am the way, the truth and the life.”

The figure handed me a Bible. “Read it to know the truth, and follow Me,” He said.

I woke up in disbelief but felt hopeful nonetheless. I downloaded a Bible app to my phone and began to read. When I read the teachings of Christ, specifically the Sermon on the Mount, I felt the love of Christ through His word. Then I found the Gospel of John, where Jesus delivers the words I heard Him say in my dream: I am the way the truth and the life. Crying from joy and gratitude, I knew for sure I had found the true way.

In Matthew 9, Jesus says, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Thanks to His guidance, I left behind my violent past and continued to learn and grow, falling more in love with the Lord. God transformed me persecutor of Christians into a Christian believer. I thank God that He saved me and brought me from darkness to light. 

Let’s say a prayer alongside Ahmed, thanking God for the miracle He has performed and remembering those who are still lost and suffering.

Jesus, thank you for appearing to this former Islamic extremist and delivering him out of darkness. We pray for those lost sheep in Egypt. Shine Your light on these souls, open their eyes, soften their hearts and transform them into people who love and worship You.

We pray also for those in Egypt who suffer from injustice, for the tired and the hopeless. We pray for all those who are persecuted for their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. In Your name, we pray. Amen.

*Photo description: A representative image of Ahmed. Ahmed’s name has been changed for his safety.

About the author

Chandler Peterson is a staff writer and editor for Global Christian Relief where she shares stories of Christian persecution. Read the latest Christian persecution stories on our website and learn more at

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