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After fatal attack, dream of persecuted pastor in India lives on

April 9, 2024 by Josh Depenbrok in Persecuted Christians in India

In India, vocations such as pastor are not without risk. The Christian minority is increasingly experiencing threats, violence and persecution as Hindu nationalism grips the South Asian nation.

In late January, Pastor David traveled over 100 miles away from his home to participate in the opening of a brand new Christian church.

While helping to prepare for the festivities, David and a group of Christian men had gathered outside the building when suddenly a mob of 30 men attacked with swords and wooden sticks. David was apprehended by the violent crowd and sustained serious injuries to his head, requiring hospitalization.

Sadly, in late February, Pastor David succumbed to his injuries and went on to be with the Lord.

A police report was filed by the church and four people were arrested—but David’s widow and his three sons are grieving an unthinkable loss.

“My youngest son is too small to understand where his father has gone,” cried David’s wife, Sukhdeep. “We need prayers. Pray that the Lord will give me courage and strength to accomplish the mission that He assigned to us. I will carry on the baton from here and continue to do the work that we started as a couple.”

Let’s pray for this precious family now.

Heavenly Father, we ask You to wrap Your loving arms around Sukhdeep and her three boys as they mourn the loss of Pastor David—a wonderful husband, father and shepherd of the church flock.

Lord, amid this terrible loss, we praise You for giving Sukhdeep courage and strength to continue sharing the gospel and growing the church in India. Bless her for her faithfulness. Amen.

*Photo caption: A representative photo of David, a persecuted pastor in India.


About the author
Josh Depenbrok serves as a Public Relations Manager at Global Christian Relief. He is passionate about supporting persecuted Christians who endure threats and violence because of their faith in some of the most difficult countries in the world. Read the latest Christian persecution stories on our website and learn more at

Christians in India are routinely under attack because of their faith. Your monthly recurring gift to Global Christian Relief will allow us to help persecuted believers in South Asia and beyond. Become a Frontline Partner monthly giver now.

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