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Beaten for her faith, Sudanese Christian convert clings to Jesus

May 18, 2024 by Chandler Peterson in Persecuted Christians in Sudan

Fatima, then a Muslim, had no idea that she would soon encounter Jesus, lean on the hope that only He could provide, and face the unimaginable consequences of leaving Islam. 

Last summer, while living in the harsh conditions of the refugee camp, Fatima heard the gospel preached for the first time. The hope and joy of Christ prompted her to make the dangerous and seemingly impossible decision to leave Islam. 

She knew the consequences of this would be grave. She had heard of the sufferings inflicted on others who left the faith: social isolation, physical abuse, even death. Nevertheless, Fatima made the bold choice to give her life to Jesus.  

“I accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal Savior and Lord, and I found freedom and eternal life in Him,” the Sudanese Christian convert said. “My faith means a lot to me. It means total freedom from the bondage, which kept me like a slave for decades.” 

Sudanese Christian Convert Faces Backlash From Her Abusive Husband

Against the wishes of her Muslim husband, Fatima and her children began attending church. He threatened to kill her if she did not denounce her Christian faith and return to Islam. 

But when Fatima refused to give up her faith, her husband assaulted her. He brutally beat her with a metal rod, severely injuring her femur.  

“Next time, I will kill you if you do not stop attending this church of your Jesus,” her husband threatened. 

But Fatima was not intimidated. “Even if you kill me, my spirit will go to God, because you have only killed the physical body.” 

Faith Strengthened in Persecution

Despite the trauma she has endured, her faith has only grown stronger. She prays that her abusive husband will also find eternal life in Jesus. She has seen firsthand that, as Romans 8 says, “we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” 

“I have decided to follow Jesus,” she said confidently. 

Let’s come together in prayer for Sudanese Christian convert Fatima and her family. 

Heavenly Father, we are so grateful that Fatima has found hope in You and amazed by her example of praying for the one who persecutes you. We join Fatima in praying that her husband will come to salvation through You. 

We pray for their missing son. Let him be found safely. Please provide for the dire financial needs that Fatima and her family face as well. Continue to grow their faith despite the immense persecution and challenges they face. Thank You, Father. Amen.

About the author
Chandler Peterson is a staff writer and editor for Global Christian Relief where she shares stories of Christian persecution. Read the latest Christian persecution stories on our website and learn more at

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