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Persecuted Christians in Sudan

Sudan famine ravages persecuted Christians amid civil war

Sudan famine ravages persecuted Christians amid civil war

Beaten for her faith, Sudanese Christian convert clings to Jesus

Beaten for her faith, Sudanese Christian convert clings to Jesus

Despite attacks, persecuted Jesus follower in Sudan plants churches

Despite attacks, persecuted Jesus follower in Sudan plants churches

Persecuted Sudanese believer escapes death threats from family

Persecuted Sudanese believer escapes death threats from family

Persecuted Christian from Sudan ministers to family

Persecuted Christian from Sudan ministers to family

Persecuted Sudanese Christians receive death threats after conversion

Persecuted Sudanese Christians receive death threats after conversion

Persecuted Sudanese Christian disowned by family

Persecuted Sudanese Christian disowned by family

Persecuted Christian in Sudan survives attack on his life

Persecuted Christian in Sudan survives attack on his life

Ishmael, a persecuted Christian in Sudan, receives death threats

Ishmael, a persecuted Christian in Sudan, receives death threats