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Bonded slaves in Pakistan find desperate relief

January 18, 2024 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in Pakistan

More than two million Pakistanis work in the country’s 20,000 brick kilns. Often, these workers are minorities—Christians, Hindus or lower-caste Muslims—who are limited in finding decent work. And like Danish, many of these workers are bonded slaves, individuals who had to take out loans offered by kiln owners to pay off urgent expenses. But the loans are a method to keep the workers employed in the kilns indefinitely. Workers are paid very little, and the majority of what they earn is given to pay off their loan. Barely any is left to cover other expenses.

The need is great for the people of the kilns, especially when it comes to healthcare. Many simply cannot afford to visit a doctor. Illnesses that can be easily dealt with go untreated, leading to worse sicknesses and a poor quality of life. However, through your generous gifts, Global Christian Relief and a local partner offer free medical care to kiln workers.

Danish says, “My work in the mud had caused intense itching all over my body, while my children were suffering from fever and upper respiratory tract infections. Unfortunately, our financial constraints prevented us from seeking medical assistance at private healthcare facilities.” Then GCR’s free mobile medical clinic arrived.

Workers like Danish were able to receive immediate healthcare with no cost to them: “I was able to see a doctor,” he says. “And they generously supplied us with free medication. As a result, both my children and I have made a complete recovery from our illnesses.”

Many Christians face an uphill battle while working in Pakistan’s brick kilns. Send relief to them today by making a special gift.

Mobile medical clinics have been dispatched to six different kilns in Pakistan. Over the past nine months, over 13,000 individuals received free medical care, including eyecare treatment, skin care, basic checkups and more. The technicians who run the mobile medical clinics have also held classes on how to prevent certain diseases. Look at the images below to see the mobile medical clinic at work.

Zoya* has worked in the kilns for the past 15 years. Recently, one of her children fell ill with typhoid. She says, “It posed a significant challenge for me to afford hospital treatment for him. Fortunately, a mobile medical clinic arrived at our brick kiln unit, offering free medication. I’m thankful to God.”

In Proverbs 19:17, it says, “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done.” It’s through the generous gifts of our donors that GCR, through the help of local partners, has been able to put together a treatment option for those in deepest need. We’re grateful for our donors and pray God’s blessing over them.

The needs in the brick kilns remain great. Join us now in prayer for those struggling to pay off predatory loans while sacrificing their own health in the process.

Lord, we think of our persecuted brothers and sisters working tirelessly in Pakistan’s brick kilns. So many of them are struggling to get by as their debts becomes greater and greater. Countless are left having to choose between food and medical care. We ask You comfort them and provide in their time of need. May they find provision in You. And may GCR, along with our partners, continue to make strides in offering free health care for those persecuted most. Amen.

*Names changed to preserve security

About the author
Tim Dustin writes for Global Christian Relief where he shares the stories of Pakistan’s brick kilns with the Church around the world. Get the latest blogs and prayer requests at

We have brothers and sisters in Pakistan struggling greatly in the brick kilns. But a generous gift today can let them know they’re seen, known and never alone. Your gift can make a lasting impact and life-changing difference.

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