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Persecuted Christians in Pakistan

Persecuted Christian workers face extreme job discrimination in Pakistan

Persecuted Christian workers face extreme job discrimination in Pakistan

Does slavery still exist? Answers from the persecuted church

Does slavery still exist? Answers from the persecuted church

Suffering persecuted Christian mother arrested in Pakistan

Suffering persecuted Christian mother arrested in Pakistan

From slave to small business owner: one persecuted Christian’s stunning transformation

From slave to small business owner: one persecuted Christian’s stunning transformation

Watch: a persecuted Christian widow’s journey to freedom in Pakistan’s brick kilns

Watch: a persecuted Christian widow’s journey to freedom in Pakistan’s brick kilns

Watch: Elderly Christian man persecuted by violent mob

Watch: Elderly Christian man persecuted by violent mob

Brave Pakistani Christian saves Muslim woman from mob

Brave Pakistani Christian saves Muslim woman from mob

Impoverished Christians in Pakistan receive healthcare at free mobile clinic

Impoverished Christians in Pakistan receive healthcare at free mobile clinic

Christian teenager persecuted in Punjab, charged with blasphemy

Christian teenager persecuted in Punjab, charged with blasphemy