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Facing starvation in Afghanistan, Raheel struggles to survive

November 15, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Middle East

As we met with local Afghans—ordinary citizens—one thing became clear: under the rule of the Taliban, the economy lies in shambles. Many are desperate to earn a living through work, but jobs and income are scarcely found. Whether Christian or Muslim, millions are going hungry.

We spent time with Raheel*, a former business owner and member of the local Afghan community who detailed how things have changed dramatically since the Taliban assumed control—and why starvation in Afghanistan is beginning to take hold.

“I had a good shop before the new regime. After the change, the economy fell apart and my shop had to close. Many people left our village. I used to be able to give my children a cookie or biscuit when they were hungry, but now when they ask for food, I often have nothing to give to them and they cry,” shares Raheel.

Like countless others, Raheel’s family is forced to ration the little food that’s available, and they worry greatly about the future. As we met with local Afghan children, the signs of malnutrition were evident as dark circles formed under their eyes. Aside from rationing food, the Afghan people have few alternatives as the Taliban is unable to offer any support to impoverished families.

Afghan mothers are desperate to feed their hungry children and desire to work, yet the Taliban won’t permit them to pursue jobs or opportunities for education. Leaked data from Afghan hospitals indicates that hopelessness is settling in and female suicide is on the rise.

Furthermore, those who initially fled the violence in Afghanistan to neighboring Pakistan are now being forcibly expelled from the country. Pakistani police are arresting all foreigners who are illegally seeking refuge in their country, targeting an estimated 1.5 million Afghan migrants. Early estimates are that 200,000 Afghans living in Pakistan have already been forced to return home to a country with a broken economy and overwhelming drought, and many more will soon follow.

Partner with us today to help people like Raheel and other struggling families in Afghanistan.

Please join us now in praying for Raheel and others who are suffering greatly from economic calamity, food scarcity and Muslim extremism.

Heavenly Father, we pray You would bring order and stability to the economy in Afghanistan and put an end to the food scarcity. God, please restore Raheel’s livelihood and make a way to re-open the family’s retail shop so that their daily needs can be met.

Lord, we lift up the Afghan people—Christians and Muslims alike—and pray for Your mercy as they struggle to survive. God, we pray against spirits of despair and hopelessness. Please encourage the Afghan people and comfort them in their suffering. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

*Please note: A representative name has been used to preserve Raheel’s security and anonymity.

About the author
Abigail Hart, a writer for Global Christian Relief, makes it her mission each and every day to share messages of hope for those who are struggling around the world. Get the latest stories and prayer requests at

Afghanistan has undergone dramatic changes in the last two years after the U.S. withdrawal. Local Afghans—Christians and Muslims alike—are facing numerous challenges including economic trouble and food scarcity. Partner with us now to reach those in deepest need, including families with many children. Consider making a life-changing gift today.

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