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ISIS attacks persecuted Christians in the Philippines

December 4, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in the Philippines

Yesterday, a church service was bombed in the southern Philippines—and the Islamic State jihadist group, ISIS, has claimed responsibility for the attack. Horrifically, four of our brothers & sisters in Christ were killed while worshiping God, while more than 40 other persecuted Christians in the Philippines were injured.

The attack took place in a gymnasium at Mindanao State University in Marawi City, where the church service was being held.

Though the Philippines is 89% Christian, approximately 6% of the population identifies as Muslim. Mindanao is the second-largest island in the Philippines, and it is home to several radical Islamist insurgent groups. Previously, in 2017, more than 350,000 residents of Marawi City were displaced by a five-month siege initiated by ISIS.

The government was quick to condemn this most recent shocking display of violence: “Extremists who wield violence against the innocent will always be regarded as enemies to our society,” said Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

Let’s pray for this suffering congregation right now.

Lord, we pray for these persecuted Christians in the Philippines. Our hearts ache for Your return whenever we hear news of our persecuted family being attacked in the house of God. We lift up this precious congregation before Your throne. They simply wanted to worship You in anticipation of Christmas, but evil was lurking.

God, we pray that You would restore this church in due time and that justice would prevail. May those who were responsible for this vile attack be apprehended and held accountable.

We pray for You to comfort the families who lost loved ones. Bring healing to those who were injured. Send Your Holy Spirit and take away all fear and anxiety.

Awaken the Muslims in Marawi City and cause them to repent. May they come to know Your way of peace and love. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Image caption: A college student attends church in the Philippines

About the author
Abigail Hart is a staff writer for Global Christian Relief and counts it a privilege to share the stories of the persecuted with the West and rest of the world. Get the latest stories and prayer requests at

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