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Maalav braces for winter in Afghanistan

November 20, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Middle East

Maalav* is a father, husband and proud Afghan. His country has a rich history and he’s grateful to be a part of its tapestry. But he also sees his nation’s difficulties. He says, “We never want to leave Afghanistan. It’s our home and we love it, but it is full of challenges.”

Like many others in country, Maalav recently lost his job and is now unemployed. He desires to work, but there are no opportunities: “There is no work to be found in my village.” He is the sole provider for his family and their resources are about to run out.

For many in Afghanistan, the story is the same. The country has a population of 40 million and over 15 million are facing food insecurity. Over 3 million are facing emergency levels of hunger. To make matters worse, the winter months are just weeks away.

For Maalav, he fears the coming months: “I live without electricity … and my family and I live in a tent. I don’t have the resources to build a home.” Winter can be brutal in Afghanistan, with temperatures dipping below zero.

No food. No heat. Extreme weather on the way. Maalav says, “We are on our own and we are desperate.”

But the body of Christ can make a difference.

Rush emergency food aid, medical kits and relief to Afghanistan today.

A gift today could mean hygiene kits to help protect the vulnerable from disease, essential medical treatment for those sick or cooking supplies to feed a family of four for four months. Your gift could mean a world of difference in a desperate life.

And we must remember those in Afghanistan in prayer. Partner with us now in praying for those facing extreme instability.

Father God, our hearts break over the uncertainty in Afghanistan. Millions, just like Maalav, are under-resourced and dreading the winter months ahead. We ask for Your intervention. Please provide for those in great need. Keep them warm in the coming months. Let work opportunities open. And let Your joy and love impact lives—maybe for the first time, let countless in Afghanistan feel the hope of Jesus from the global church. Amen.

*A representative name and photo have been used to preserve security

About the author
Tim Dustin writes for Global Christian Relief. It’s his pleasure every day to share the stories of the persecuted with the worldwide church. Get the latest stories and prayer requests at

Make a gift today and help provide those hurting in Afghanistan with hygiene kits, medical treatment and basic provision. Be the hands and feet of Christ and share the hope of Jesus with those in deepest need.

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