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Missile strikes church of persecuted Christians in Ukraine

July 31, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in Ukraine

In addition to the church, schools and residential buildings were also targeted in the airstrike, killing one person and injuring 14. “This is barbarism, it’s terrorism … It was a direct hit, right in the altar area,” lamented Myroslav Vdodovych, a leader of the church.

Fortunately, a neighboring congregation stepped in to help Myroslav’s church with the clean-up efforts. Together, the two congregations donned hard hats and worked side-by-side to remove damaged pews, destroyed mosaics, missile shards, shattered glass and other hazardous debris. In the afternoon, the church members prayed together in the open air.

Sadly, attacks on the Church in Ukraine are nothing new. Just one month ago, we shared the story of Sergey, a church leader in eastern Ukraine, who was threatened with arrest and torture should he continue gathering believers together for church.

Dr. David Curry, President & CEO of Global Christian Relief, has been vocal in the media about Russia’s efforts to persecute the church. Lean more in his article on Fox News.

“Russia has waged a brutal campaign against Christians and religious minorities … Churches are what military analysts call “soft targets,” which means they are typically exposed and have little—if any—security. This makes them an easy conquest for an invading army,” remarked Curry.

“What makes a church an attractive soft target is what it stands for in the hearts and minds of the people. Religious symbols hold significant cultural and spiritual value for communities. So, these attacks constitute a deliberate attempt to undermine identity and heritage while demoralizing the targeted group.”

Let’s ask God to lift the spirits of Myroslav and his congregation as they seek to worship amid the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Heavenly Father, it grieves us to know that Your Church is under attack in Ukraine. But we thank You for Myroslav and his faithful congregation, who have persisted in gathering to worship You on Sundays.

God, we are reminded that Your Church cannot be destroyed, because it is more than bricks and mortar. Your Church is comprised of courageous brothers & sisters who will find a way to worship You, even through the difficulties of war.

With that in mind, oh Lord, we ask You to boost the spirits of Myroslav and his church. Heal them of this wartime trauma and strengthen them. Give them provision to repair their building and protect them from harm as they worship You outdoors. May nothing stop Your church in Ukraine. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

About The Author
Abigail Hart is a staff writer for Global Christian Relief, a nonprofit Christian ministry whose mission it is to amplify the voices of Christian persecution and help vulnerable believers so they can spread the gospel and advance the Great Commission. You can learn more by visiting our website at

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