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Persecuted believer in Pakistan attacked by mob

August 10, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in Pakistan

A viral video of Tabitha from 2021 shows her being beaten by coworkers at Sobhraj Maternity Hospital in Karachi after being falsely accused of blasphemy. Tabitha had disciplined her colleague who took a bribe from a patient. After Tabitha addressed her co-worker, she was accused of blasphemy. She was then beaten by hospital staff, tied up with ropes, forced to make an apology and then locked in a room until police arrived to arrest her.  

While remembering the attack, Tabitha says, “The mob wanted to kill me, but I kept praying to Jesus. Then I opened my eyes and saw angels. From that moment I knew I would be saved.”

After looking into the incident, the police released Tabitha, not finding credible evidence to support the blasphemy claim. However, the police would eventually succumb to mob rule after hundreds of extremists occupied the outside of the police station.

Fearing her charge of blasphemy—a crime that can carry with it the death penalty—Tabitha and her family fled the country.

Since the incident, Tabitha and her family received an immigrant visa to a new country in North America. She is very grateful to God for what He has done in her life: “I am thankful to Jesus Christ, my Lord and my God, for giving me my freedom. Jesus is mighty to save.” 

Now Tabitha is committed to help other persecuted Christians in Pakistan and wants to dedicate her life to advocacy efforts. “I will work for persecuted Christians until I take my last breath.” 

Tabitha’s testimony gives us great hope and encouragement about the faithfulness of God. Her story is a reminder of Psalm 121:1-2: “I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

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Will you join us in continued prayer for Tabitha, a persecuted believer in Pakistan, as well as the rest of our family there?

Lord Jesus, thank You for getting Tabitha and her family to safety, but we know there are many more who are still facing persecution for declaring their love for You. We ask You would protect Your church in Pakistan. Intervene and let Your perfect will be done in their lives. Stir up Your hope in the face of darkness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

*Representative photo used

About The Author
Amanda is a staff writer for Global Christian Relief, a nonprofit Christian ministry whose mission it is to amplify the voices of Christian persecution and help vulnerable believers so they can spread the gospel and advance the Great Commission. You can learn more by visiting our website at