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Persecuted Christian Family in Egypt Tortured and Displaced

March 22, 2024 by Josh Depenbrok in Persecuted Christians in Egypt

“In 2019, my old brother Samuel married a girl, Christine, who was once a Muslim, but she converted to Christianity. After they got married, they left Egypt. They moved abroad and started a family, and they still live overseas. Recently, security received information about Christine’s conversion to Christianity. They learned about my brother’s marriage to her.”

On February 12, 2024, security forces stormed Boutros’s family home and arrested him, his father, and younger brother.

A Persecuted Christian Family in Egypt Arrested Under False Pretenses

“We were interrogated … We were insulted and treated very poorly, even tortured with electricity. They interrogated us about my brother and his wife and wanted to know their whereabouts. They accused my brother of forcing the girl to convert to Christianity and forging the marriage certificate by changing her name to a Christian name.”

The security officers insulted, humiliated, and beat them.

“My father was very tired and could not bear the torture, even fainting on occasion. My brother and I were very afraid for him, because he is older and diabetic. We weren’t sure if we’d ever come home again.”

By God’s grace, they were released two days later.

“They had finished insulting and torturing us. After releasing us from the police station, my entire family was forced to leave our home in the village. We were displaced.

“All the time when we were imprisoned, we were praying with tears that God would strengthen us, protect us, protect my father, and save us. We prayed that we would be released from prison. God looked at our weakness and answered our prayers, and we were released.

“The painful thing for us now is that we were displaced from our home … But even amid displacement, we are praising the Lord. We thank God so much for answering our prayers, taking care of us, and protecting our sick father. All thanks and Glory be to Him.”

Let’s lift up Boutros and his persecuted Christian Family in Egypt in our prayers.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for releasing Boutros and his family from the security officers. We ask that You provide healing and comfort, and guide them while they find a new place to live.

Thank You for Boutros’s example of resilient faith, praising You despite his incredibly difficult circumstances. We pray James 1:2-4 over this family: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

*Please note: Boutros’s name has been changed to ensure his safety and anonymity. Image caption: a representative image of Boutros.

About the author
Josh Depenbrok directs the Public Relations Manager at Global Christian Relief. He is passionate about supporting persecuted Christians who endure threats and violence because of their faith in some of the most difficult countries in the world. Read the latest Christian persecution stories on our website and learn more at

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