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Persecuted Egyptian Christian killed for his faith

September 18, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in Egypt

On Thursday, August 31, an extremist named Mohamed Hamid began insulting Andrew because of his belief in Jesus. The two began to argue. The argument escalated to a point where Hamid said, “I will kill you, Andrew.” He then pulled a knife and stabbed Andrew in the hand.

Andrew fled. Neighbors and others in the street witnessed the event and immediately rushed to help Andrew. They took his shirt and wrapped it around his hand to stop the bleeding. They were then on their way to take Andrew to the hospital when Hamid suddenly reappeared—alongside a group of other extremists.

The mob pushed the others away and encircled Andrew before attacking him with knives and rods. He begged for mercy but was beaten to death.

Andrew’s distraught mother says, “At 8:30 p.m., I received a call from one of my neighbors, telling me that Andrew was injured and transferred to a hospital. I rushed to the hospital and was very shocked when I found Andrew had passed away.”

Police have since arrested Hamid. But Andrew’s mother continues, “I received threats from family members (of Hamid) to pressure me to drop the charges against him.”

Andrew, a persecuted Egyptian Christian, was strong in his faith and worked tirelessly to provide for his family. His mother tearfully shares, “Andrew was an angel living on Earth. He was my support and everything in life to me. I cannot live without him. He was killed in the name of Jesus Christ. I’m sure he is in heaven and is enjoying being with Jesus now, but his loss is very difficult for me.”

While we grieve for Andrew and his mother, the Body of Christ is reminded of 2 Timothy 1:10, which states that Christ has destroyed the grave: “But it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.” Even in Andrew’s death, there is new life—eternal life in our God and King. There is assurance and peace to be found in Him.

Let’s come before our God—the great Comforter—and pray for Andrew’s family.

Father God, what sadness: a good man killed for no other reason than he believed in You. We pray for Andrew’s family, as they are filled with sorrow over this Christian persecution. Bless them with Your peace during this time of grief and mourning. Help them find purpose and closure as they look to the future.

 Lord, we also ask You to bless Andrew’s family with the ability to forgive—and pray for—the man that killed Andrew. We pray for Hamid, that You work in his heart, break through the stone of hatred and cowardice and bring him on his knees before You. We believe You can make beauty from ashes. In Your holy name we pray. Amen.

About the author
Tim Dustin is a writer and editor for Global Christian Relief. He writes and shares stories of the persecuted church with believers everywhere. Learn about Christian persecution on our website and read the latest stories at

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