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Persecuted Iranian Christian Ali knows the cost of following Jesus

May 3, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in Iran

Ali worked as a technician in an operating room for 30 years, mainly in Tehran, Iran’s capital. He even worked during the Iran-Iraq war for eight years, treating many battle wounds. He was a very skilled technician and respected by his peers; he loved what he did and on occasion even worked double or triple shifts.

However, his life path would change after one of his colleagues shared the love of Christ with him.

He was intrigued by Jesus and wanted to know Him more. As his knowledge of the Bible grew, so did his desire to surrender his life to Christ.

The night he gave his life to Jesus, his vices—smoking two packs of cigarettes a day—immediately left him in the blink of an eye.

Ali began to feel the change taking place inside of himself. His faith overflowed as he began to share Jesus with his family, friends and co-workers … but that’s where Ali’s story takes a sharp turn.

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The very real cost

Those in charge at Ali’s work did not agree with or accept his new faith. Ali lost his job, salary and pension. Even worse though, he lost his family and wife. After his spouse rejected him, in his own words, “Everything seemed to be falling apart.”

And his church, where he found refuge and fellowship, was raided by government enforcers. The church was ordered to cease prayer and fellowship gatherings immediately. Ali was taken and interrogated several times for his act of worshipping Christ; Islamic Republic enforcers even followed him and kept tabs of where he went and who he talked to. The pressure of the enforcers became so great that Ali escaped as a refugee to Turkey, where, for the past five years, he’s been caught in a cycle of debt and poverty.

“Looking back,” Ali states, “It was undoubtedly painful to go through all that, losing a job and family unit is never easy, nor desirable for anyone. It was pure agony. However, God used every situation as a teaching moment for His later work.”

Please join us in praying for Ali and the persecuted Christians in Iran. Pray Ali will not shy away from his faith, but continue to share it openly and boldly. Although abandoned by his family, pray he will feel comfort and love from his global family in Christ. And pray Ali will find meaningful work, where he can share his gifts and talents with others.

Lord, please hear our prayers for our dear brother, Ali, and let Him feel Your presence through his continued trials and persecution. Amen.


About The Author
Tim Dustin is a staff writer for Global Christian Relief, a nonprofit Christian ministry that works to strengthen persecuted believers and raise awareness regarding Christian persecution. For more information, visit our website at