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Persecuted Sudanese believer escapes death threats from family

March 1, 2024 by Kafeel Amani in Persecuted Christians in Sudan

The more Mohammad learned about Jesus, the more he wanted a relationship with Him. And in May of 2023, Mohammad was ready to make a public declaration of his faith. On a Sunday morning, he stood in front of his church and declared, “From today onward, I wish to declare my faith as a follower of our Lord Jesus Christ.” His faith was no longer private, which would come with it a great cost.

Upon learning about his conversion to Christianity, Mohammad’s family was furious. His renouncement of Islam, especially in such a public manner, shamed them.

In a way to restore honor to the family name, Mohammad learned that members of his family were planning on killing him. Fearing for his life, he was left with no choice but to flee. He now lives in Sudan’s war-torn capital separated completely from his family.

But through opposition, Mohammad continues to be a light to those around him: “I shared the gospel with one of my Muslim friends, and he, too, accepted Jesus as his Savior.” Mohammad rejoices that his life has led others to Christ.

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When asked if persecution has transformed or weakened his faith, Mohammad answers, “These persecutions have made my faith stronger. I came to understand the importance of depending on God in all matters of life. I came to know the importance of prayer and relationship with Him in all I do.”

In 2 Corinthians 12:10 it says, “That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” Mohammad has discovered strength in Christ. It’s been through this strength that he’s been able to continue through friends mocking him, his family threatening him and even living isolated and alone.

Mohammad has passed along some prayer requests. Join us now in prayer for our dear brother.

Lord, we’re grateful for the way You’ve worked in Mohammad’s heart. We know that You will never turn Your back on him, no matter his persecution. We think of his family, full of anger and hate. We ask that You work in their hearts and bring them to You. We ask that You provide Mohammad with steady work, that he will be able to provide for himself through the war around him. And we ask that you continue to grow his faith, and that he will not shy away in sharing it with others. Amen.

*Representative name and photo used to preserve security.

About the authors
Kafeel Amani and Tim Dustin are journalists for Global Christian Relief where they share stories of persecution out of Sudan with the rest of the world. Get the latest blogs and prayer requests at

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