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Persecuted Turkish Christians rise from the rubble after earthquake

August 11, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Turkish Christians
Sayad and Ruth wake up at 4 a.m. to begin their brick-making process.

After the devastating temblor struck Turkey and Syria, everything changed in an instant—not just for Ibrahim and Jacqueline, but for the two nations as a whole. Nearly 60,000 people were dead and over 2.5 million found themselves homeless. That sizable figure includes many persecuted Turkish Christians who live in a country that is 99% Muslim.

But thanks to the support of generous believers like you, Global Christian Relief and our partners  on the ground were able to respond to our persecuted family within 24 hours—delivering critical emergency support including food, water, tents, blankets, heating materials and more. 

Yet six months later, the crisis still lingers. Homes, churches and businesses lie in ruin … the media has moved on and vulnerable believers often feel forgotten. Many are surviving in deplorable conditions with no running water or air conditioning as summer temperatures soar past 100°F. 

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The team at Global Christian Relief, however, hasn’t turned our backs on this dire situation. We’re still there, strengthening our precious brothers and sisters with long-term support … believers like Ibrahim and Jaqueline, who were initially forced to sleep in the bed of a pickup truck, and then later, a makeshift tent. 

Today, they rest their heads in a brand-new container home supplied by Global Christian Relief and our partners. Overjoyed to have a place to call home, Jacqueline exclaimed, “It’s impossible to express how thankful we are for you and your help. We have a lot of faith and we didn’t lose it. It has only grown.” 

We invite our readers to keep praying for Ibrahim and Jacqueline, as well as our entire persecuted family in Turkey and Syria as they endure a very long road to recovery. If you feel led, please make a special, one-time gift to provide an at-risk believer with safe shelter today. 

About The Author
Abigail Hart is a staff member of Global Christian Relief. A passionate storyteller, she strives to raise awareness for the plight of persecuted Christians all around the globe. Learn more about Christian persecution on our website, and explore our latest initiatives for the persecuted church at

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