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Serving Persecuted believers like Simco this Giving Tuesday

November 26, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in the Middle East

The team at Global Christian Relief recently met with Simco at his secret Bible printing press in the Middle East.

A former Muslim himself, Simco understands that faith in Jesus Christ comes by hearing the Word (Romans 10:17). Now, he spends his days working with other leaders in the underground church to print and distribute the Word of God to persecuted Christians and Muslim seekers.

We asked how Simco feels about printing the Bible: an action that is illegal in his home country. “The work that I’m busy with is really important for me because it’s about the Bible,” he says. “It’s not like any other work that I have done in my life.”

“It’s really important for me to send the real words of God into the nation, to the people that are tired and persecuted—and to those that are tricked by false words and false gods from other religions.”

For just $5, you can gift a Bible and help persecuted believers this Giving Tuesday.

Given the intense risk surrounding Simco’s work, he proclaims, “For me, Jesus means patience … strength … One thing that I’m scared of the most is printing the book, the Bible, because we use machines in really dangerous places. It’s hard for me to continue waiting for the books to be done.”

Simco went on to explain why the Muslims in his community desperately need to have a change of heart—the kind of change that only the Word of God can produce. “I’ve been arrested three times, and they tried to kill me five times. Of these five times, in four of them, they wanted to kill me by a car accident. In the three times that I’ve been arrested, one of them I will never forget, because this time they tried to threaten my family.”

But despite the fear and danger, Simco and his network know that their work is of utmost importance. “I have a brother. He’s a translator and a writer … One time I gave him a Bible … When he turned the book and saw the cross, he told me, ‘Brother you know, this is the most important book on the earth.’ These words strengthened me and helped me not even think about giving up.”

Let’s lift up our brother in Christ, Simco, and his fellow members of the underground church as they work to illuminate hearts and minds in the Middle East through the Word.

Heavenly Father, we ask You to cover Simco with Your mighty hedge of protection as he works to spread the gospel in incredibly dangerous places throughout the Middle East. Jesus, please continue to grant Simco patience and strength. We ask You to calm his fears as he anxiously waits for the Bibles to come off the printing presses. We pray that You would light the candles of his persecutors’ hearts and enlighten their darkness, according to Psalm 18:28. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

About the author
Abigail Hart is a writer and storyteller for Global Christian Relief. She makes it her mission to serve the persecuted church by sharing their stories. Get the latest stories and prayer requests at

This Giving Tuesday, for just $5, you can gift a Bible to a believer in desperate need of God’s Word. Help us reach our goal of providing 80,000 Bibles to the persecuted church. Your gift can make a lasting difference.

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