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Village chief in India stands for Christ despite persecution

April 17, 2024 by Chandler Peterson in Persecuted Christians in India

As he listened to this preacher, Raman became fascinated by what he heard, especially the hymns that were sung.

“I started believing and trusting in Jesus Christ,” Raman said.

Soon, his whole family accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, although some of their neighbors had reservations about Christianity.

Raman dedicated himself to serving his community and was soon elected Sarpanch: chief of the village council.

The tide turns against Raman

However, as time went on, sentiments towards those who had renounced their old religion and embraced Christianity turned increasingly negative, fueled by government influence. In one meeting of the council, this village chief in India took a moral stand against something he believed was wrong. This started a ripple of animosity and hatred toward him and his family, fueled by disinformation from radical Hindu groups.

A village chief in India faces harassment

Sadly, Raman’s father recently passed away. Raman’s family was soon approached by angry villagers bearing weapons. They refused to allow Raman and his family to bury his father unless they followed the Hindu ritual of cremation.

Raman refused to back down. Eventually, despite the villagers’ protests, the police allowed his family to bury his father.

“The Lord, in His mercy, turned the situation in our favor,” Raman said.

Although Raman remains the Sarpanch, his influence has waned. Villagers have even barred him from holding church services. But Raman has not given up on his faith.

“In this storm of persecution, if my faith collapses, then it would mean that I built my faith on sand,” he remarked.

Let’s come together to lift up Raman and his village in prayer.

Dear Jesus, please be with this village chief in India. Help him to stand firm in his faith despite the strong opposition he faces. We pray the words found in Philippians 4:7, that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard his heart and his mind in Christ Jesus.

Keep Raman and his family safe from persecution. Work through him to change the hearts of the villagers who oppose his faith. Allow him to resume church services and preach Your Word to those with ears to hear. In Your name we pray. Amen.

*Please note: Raman’s name has been changed for his protection.

About the author
Chandler Peterson is a staff writer and editor for Global Christian Relief where she shares stories of Christian persecution. Read the latest Christian persecution stories on our website and learn more at

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