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Beaten for her faith, Sudanese Christian convert clings to Jesus

Beaten for her faith, Sudanese Christian convert clings to Jesus

Persecuted Nigerian woman forgives terrorists who killed her father

Persecuted Nigerian woman forgives terrorists who killed her father

Deborah: Christian, mother and persecuted prisoner of Boko Haram

Deborah: Christian, mother and persecuted prisoner of Boko Haram

Persecuted student in Indonesia faces backlash from Muslim family

Persecuted student in Indonesia faces backlash from Muslim family

Pastor persecuted in India refuses to stop preaching

Pastor persecuted in India refuses to stop preaching

Persecuted pastor arrested in India shares the Gospel in jail

Persecuted pastor arrested in India shares the Gospel in jail

Christian in Burkina Faso no longer rejected for her faith

Christian in Burkina Faso no longer rejected for her faith

Persecuted Indian Christian banished from her village

Persecuted Indian Christian banished from her village

Brave Pakistani Christian saves Muslim woman from mob

Brave Pakistani Christian saves Muslim woman from mob