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Brave Pakistani Christian saves Muslim woman from mob

April 22, 2024 by Chandler Peterson in Persecuted Christians in Pakistan

The woman’s dress was adorned with Arabic calligraphy. As she walked through her neighborhood, she was stopped by a man who insisted that the woman remove her clothing immediately.

Although he could not read or write, he recognized the writing as Arabic. The man mistakenly assumed that the writing on her clothes were Quranic verses, which would be considered blasphemy of the Holy Quran. 

Soon, an outraged, violent mob had formed, echoing the man’s accusations and threatening her life.

Fortunately, Johnson Tariq, a Christian who runs a local fast-food restaurant, noticed the woman’s plight and quickly rushed to her aid. Tariq took the woman inside his shop and allowed her to hide in safety for forty minutes. Meanwhile, the mob was growing and chanting violent slogans outside the doors. Finally, police rescued the woman and took her to a safe place. 

After a few days, local social media personalities and mainstream channels began spotlighting this brave Pakistani Christian, giving him credit for his heroic actions and quick thinking. We met with Tariq and asked him to explain the situation in his own words. 

“I am happy to be given this credit,” he said. But l did all that I did for the love of my Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus shed his blood on the cross for me and all mankind – not just for me, but also for the lady who was in danger. I did nothing on my own, but my Lord Jesus used me.”

Pakistan is on track to become the largest Muslim country by 2030, and Christians there make up less than 2% of the population. They are often victims of discrimination and verbal and physical attacks. 

Unfortunately, Tariq and his family have experienced harassment as a result of his heroism. Tariq said that Muslim shopkeepers now treat him with disdain, and he has been subjected to slurs and threatening phone calls.

“I shall never leave my faith in Christ and would not like to leave my motherland,” the brave Pakistani Christian said. “Please pray for me and my family.”

Let’s lift up Johnson Tariq and his family in prayer right now as they face harassment and their faith is tested.

Heavenly Father, we pray for Johnson Tariq and his family. Draw them near to You and keep them protected from those who hate them for their faith.

Thank you for the courage that you granted Johnson Tariq. May the strength of his convictions and his love for You be a shining light in his city. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

About the author
Chandler Peterson is a staff writer and editor for Global Christian Relief where she shares stories of Christian persecution. Read the latest Christian persecution stories on our website and learn more at

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