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Kashif, a persecuted Christian in Pakistan, experiences Jesus in a dream

May 1, 2023 by Abigail Hart in Persecuted Christians in Pakistan

As a child, Kashif was sent to the mosque to learn the Quran, as is typical in Muslim families. Kashif recalls spending two to three hours daily, both morning and evening, learning about Islam. It soon became his life. However, he always felt like something was missing.

Growing up, Kashif had only heard negative things about Christians. They were referred to as “untouchable.” If a Muslim touched a Christian, they would immediately become unholy. The fear of being an outcast among his own people kept him from exploring other religions, until he came across the name of Jesus Christ.

One day, while he was on Facebook, he saw an image of Jesus on the cross. He was astonished. Who was this person? Why was He on a cross? He had never heard of Jesus before, so Kashif decided to ask the imam (the leader of prayer and worship) at his mosque about what he’d seen.

“Meet me personally in my office,” the imam said.  When Kashif asked him about Jesus, the imam got angry. “Why are you asking about him? Who told you about Jesus?” the imam harshly asked. “You will be cut off from Islam if you meet with Christians.”

Kashif left the imam’s office without the answer he was looking for, but he was still determined to find out more about the man on the cross.

Then a true miracle happened: Kashif saw Jesus in a dream.

“I had a dream where Jesus appeared to me in my room while I was sleeping. Light filled my room. I woke up suddenly and began to cry,” Kashif shares.

That was the first time Kashif prayed to Jesus.

Then he made friends with a Christian pastor on Facebook who discipled him and explained the gospel. It was then that Kashif began to read the Bible for himself.  A few years later, Kashif completely gave his life to Jesus—even knowing there was a difficult road ahead.

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Counting the Cost

When his parents found out about his faith, they were angry. Kashif was forced to leave his home and his father took all the money in Kashif’s account—he was cut off from all of his savings. The next period of his life was spent on the streets.

“I only had a few hundred rupees when I left my home. I was living in a roadside shelter. That was a difficult time for me. It was horrible,” Kashif says.

He moved to a new city and has kept very few acquaintances. If someone were to find out that Kashif is a documented Muslim who is now a practicing Christian, they could easily turn him in to the authorities for blasphemy.

Kashif no longer has regular contact with his parents. He has lost so much and often feels alone, but looking back, Kashif says God was with him at every step. “He had a plan for me,” he adds.

Join us in praying for Kashif. Pray his loneliness will turn to rejoicing, that instead of feeling the loss of his family, he’ll feel the prayer and support of his eternal family in Christ. Pray he will continue to find friendship with other persecuted Christians and that his status as a Christian will be protected. And pray he’ll feel safe to share his miraculous testimony with other Muslims, that they’ll experience Christ as he did, and that they’ll radically accept His new faith in Jesus.

Father God, we ask you to please hear our prayers for our dear brother Kashif. Continue to work and do incredible things in his life. Amen.

About The Author
Tim Dustin is a staff writer for Global Christian Relief, a nonprofit Christian ministry that works to strengthen persecuted believers and raise awareness regarding Christian persecution. For more information, visit our website at