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Suffering persecuted Christian mother arrested in Pakistan

July 12, 2024 by Chandler Peterson in Persecuted Christians in Pakistan

Jamila Jacob is a 60-year-old Christian and mother of four who resides in Pakistan. While she suffers from periodic episodes of instability due to a mental health condition, many of her neighbors and local shop owners know Jamila’s family and treat her with kindness and understanding. Unfortunately, not everyone shows compassion toward her.

Jamila Jacob was arrested in Pakistan on false charges of blasphemy.

Jamila Jacob was arrested in Pakistan on false charges of blasphemy.

On June 4, Jamila was browsing in a shop when an argument began between her and the shopkeeper, Asif Ali. While accounts differ about the exact details of the fight, eyewitnesses noted that Jamila did not seem to be of sound mind at the time. She and Asif continued to argue until he slapped her across the face, drawing the attention of his brother and other witnesses. The fight escalated until Jamila was able to escape to her home.

Persecuted Christian arrested in Pakistan accused of blasphemy

Asif Ali, who has openly radical beliefs, accused Jamila of blaspheming against Muhammad, the prophet of Islam. Police later arrested Jamila in her home on these charges. She remains in police custody, awaiting trial and resolution.

However, eyewitnesses have claimed that even in the midst of her mental health episode, Jamila did not say anything blasphemous. A local practicing Muslim, who owns a shop in the same market Jamila was attacked in, shared his disdain for practicing Christians. But even he stated, “I did not see or hear any blasphemous behavior,” adding that Christians who did not embrace Islam had no right to live in Pakistan.

Jamila’s son, Sunny, defended his mother; he fervently believes this is simply an incident of Christian persecution.

“She attended church regularly and was known to be a kind-hearted woman,” he said. “She still is. And she didn’t speak derogatorily against any religious leader or prophet. My mother is innocent.”

Sunny and the rest of Jamila’s family live in uncertainty and fear as they wait to hear of Jamila’s fate. Many Christians in the community have scattered and are in hiding, fearing mob violence that often follows accusations of blasphemy. “We are losing sleep each night, receiving threats of physical harm,” Sunny said. “But we are Christians in heart and soul. We will follow Jesus at all costs.”

Christian persecution in Pakistan

Jamila and her family are among the 1.27% of the Pakistan population who identify as Christian. Yet, persecuted Pakistani Christians make up a quarter of the thousands accused of blasphemy every year and are often imprisoned for years without aid or action. Between 1980 and 1986, Pakistan’s ruler introduced some of the world’s most infamous blasphemy laws, enabling Christian persecution to take root and spread quickly. The mere accusation of blasphemy can result in automatic jail time for believers.

Please pray for Jamila in the spirit of Psalm 34: “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

About the author

Chandler Peterson is a staff writer and editor for Global Christian Relief where she shares stories of Christian persecution. Read the latest Christian persecution stories on our website and learn more at

GCR reporter Nasir Jamil contributed to this story.

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