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Christian Persecution Stories

Current Examples of Christian Persecution Today

The Christian persecution stories featured here reveal how, all around the world, believers are experiencing threats, violence and discrimination because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Many persecuted Christians have been driven away from their homes and displaced by mob violence. Meanwhile, others suffer in prison due to false blasphemy charges. Some have been subjected to terrorism, kidnappings, assault and martyrdom. The articles below detail individual accounts of persecution.

Sudan famine ravages persecuted Christians amid civil war

Adesh dares to share the gospel with persecuted Christians in Nepal

Seven pastors persecuted in India by Hindu nationalists

New decree makes worship difficult for persecuted Christians in Vietnam

Urgent: Suffering Christians in Gaza risk starvation and extinction

Persecuted Christian workers face extreme job discrimination in Pakistan

Does slavery still exist? Answers from the persecuted church

Iran’s election results: a mirage of change in the Islamic republic

Suffering persecuted Christian mother arrested in Pakistan